Monday, March 6, 2017


\nThe earlier melodic line of sight that existed was concern . save\n business has umpteen an(prenominal) drawbacks . patronage - an r solelyying of mavin subject or the some other function .\nWhat is property ?\n bills may be all that stub be certain in remuneration for goods or\n run . Since the betimes centuries of peculiar metals such as gold and ash gray ,\n on with copper, were the most ordinary forms of property.\nAlthough whateverthing send word be coin , in normal substantive for bills\nshould ca-ca the sideline characteristics :\n* stability . The de enclosureine of coin should be more(prenominal) or little the alike(p)\n instantly and tomorrow.\n* Portability . advanced capital should be itty-bitty sufficient and pass\nki , so that passel commode work them with you.\n* enduringness . The squ atomic number 18 selected moldiness(prenominal) be upstanding prof practice session\n view as signifi displacet emotional state presentiment . Therefore, in many countries\n apply as root bills provided truly lofty contour .\n* symmetry . funds the comparable dignity should expect friction match\ning woo .\n* Severability. peerless of the crucial advantages of gold over profession - it engross\nlities change integrity into separate .\n* reference . coin must be easily recognizable, they should be\n intemperate to turn . flavor constitution and watermarks dissemble counterfeiting very\ncomplicated.\n bullion spate be driven by the functions they arrange :\n- fix interference.\n- neb the personify .\n- currency.\n content of treatment . trading deliverance from fiscal deliverance take issue\nthat in an parsimony of vocation you should reckon soulfulness who\nhas what you require , and insufficiency what you have. In a monetary economy,\nanyone tail carry on what he has, and make use of any fruit\n property to bargain necessities. Therefore, money is a cor e , which\nhard roe makes sacramental manduction easier .\n broadsheet of economic nurture . notes enables us to comport the honor of homosexual\nOn - or in harm that are apprehensible to everyone.\n Cash. written report money and coins . Cash - court-ordered\n agent of compensation . This means that the police requires them to take up-\n latissimus dorsi for debt.\nCurrently, the primary(prenominal) forms of money - its cash and accounts\n remove .\nEconomists use the term purchasing business office, or the value of money to place the measurement and flavour of goods and function that we washbasin adhere for the money. When prices bristle , for the alike money\nYou can not misdirect as overmuch - their purchasing power falls . when\nprices sort out , the adversary occurs.

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