Thursday, October 31, 2019
Emergency Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Emergency Management - Essay Example According to the Texas Impact (2008), at the time of the flood, â€Å"the ARC set up food and water stations, provided medical care, and established mass shelters to house the disaster victims.†Leading on from the performance of the American Red Cross in this disaster, it organization was granted a federal charter in 1900 by congress to provide support in time of disaster. A lot more non-governmental agencies and charity organizations were given similar recognition in major disasters such as â€Å"the Galveston Hurricane and Storm Surge in 1900, San Francisco Earthquake in 1906, the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927, and the droughts of 1930-1931†(Texas Impact). Though the efforts of the non-governmental organizations were commendable, the task seemed just too much to be left to their care alone especially as government least supported them with funds (Sylves, 2008). Concerns were therefore raised in the mid 1900s as the situation was eventually curtailed in 1950 when congress passed what came to be known as the Federal Disaster Relief Program (FDP). The FDP transferred power to the president from congress. With this power, the president was then mandated to be the sole authority that could declare disaster. FEMA (2011) notes that the Stafford Act (1988) â€Å"constitutes the statutory authority for most Federal disaster response activities especially as they pertain to FEMA and FEMA programs.†The Stafford Act is quite limited in the kind of relief or support it can give out in time of a major disaster or an emergency (Meola, 2011). The first of these relief assistances is emergency work, which is carried out upon the instruction of the president. The emergency work includes such activities as clearing and removing debris, restoration of public facilities and freeing wreckage. The support also includes the provision of legal services, giving out unemployment assistance, giving out of food coupons for the onward
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Whatever you choice Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Whatever you choice - Term Paper Example All these were slaves but had different degree of privilege. The essay gives an account of how the Romans farmed. The main source of labour for the Romans was slaves. The slaves were acquired in three ways. First, through conquest in war, this is whereby many landowners went for war and brought back captives (White 1). The captives were sold to other citizens or worked on the capture’s farm. Second, the slaves were bought from the market. Third, by birth that is children born by the slaves also became slaves (Phillips 221). As earlier discussed, each slave had different degree of privilege for proper administration of the farms. Before the establishment of large-scale farming, Romans practiced small-scale farming. There were different reasons for the adoption of large-scale farming. First, the wars brought a drastic decrease in free labor. Second, many farmers were ruined due to the devastation of Italy by Hannibal (McGeough 99). After the war, the rich citizen bought the land and leased it to the government. The government used the slaves as their main source of labour (White 1). Due to the great competition, the small-scale farmers gave up. The rich farmers improved the fencing and drainage system for more productivity. Water was conserved by building of dams and cisterns. Trees were planted around the farms to act as windbreakers. Romans were among the first people to employ mixed farming. This is because due to the depilation of the farms they became infertile (White 23). Because of this, they used farmyard manure from the farm animals to keep their farms fertile. Where stock was not kept, farmers made compost manure using banana leaves, weeds straw and other rubbish, which do not decay easily. Although they did not have knowledge on nitrogen-fixing bacteria, they knew how to plant legumes (McGeough 97). They had mechanisms to test sourness of the soil though they did not have litmus paper. They employed
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Mployee Relations Against A Changing Background Management Essay
Mployee Relations Against A Changing Background Management Essay Employee is the key element of an organization. The success of the organization depends much on the employee. Relationship among the employee and employer is an important issue in the present business world. by managing employee relation organization easily manage the organization goals. So the manager should have aware about the nature of employee relation and application on the business. For the overall activities of employee relation a manager have to the nature of conflict and its effect on the employee relationship. LO1: Understand the context of employee relations against a changing background Explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of reference (P1) Unitary reference In Unitary reference all the employee share their object, interest and purpose. By this way employee can work together, hand to hand. Moreover, unitary is a systematic approach where the entire employee should loyal to other. (Abbott, k. 2006) Unitary assumptions and values have played a significant role in three schools of theoretical and practical thought: theory of scientific management Human relations theory Human resource management Pluralistic reference Pluralists reference start from a set of view, assumption and values in which workplace conflict is inventible. Administration and workers constitute two such groups, who, because of the very nature of the factory system, which are seen as invariably subscribing to different values and objectives. (Abbott, k. 2006) Evaluate how the changes in trade unionism in the 20th century have affected employee relations within the organization (P2) Innovation of trade is old like human history but trade union come to form in the18th century. This becomes very powerful in the 19th century trade union come to form to maintain the interest of the business man. In the very first of the 20th century trade union become very powerful. in 1901 a bill was passed in the court that a tare union can sue against any organization or person for which organization become bound to give the proper right to the employee. From 1923-1929britain faces the conservation government in that time some general stick was held by the trade union which make the trade union more powerful and for this the unlimited freedom of management began to decrease. During the 1920s old industries like coal mining were declining. So in 1921 employers cut wages. In 1926 they proposed to cut wages and increase working hours. But the trade union protect against it. in the may 26 in 1926 a general stick held against it a processing also held where some employee died for which we observe the may day. By this the way trade union affects the employee relation (businesscasestudies, 2012). Explain the role of 4 main players in employee relations of an organization (P3) The main four player of an organization are chief exceptive officer, human resource manager, employee trainee and department head. All he persons play some incredible rule to maintain the employee relation. Their role are describe below Role of department head: Department head paly some important role to build up a unique relationship between the employee. A department head observed all the activities of the employee under his department which is very helpful to crate relationship. On the other hand he also monitors the relationship among the employees. Role of HR manager in employee relation: Human Resource Manager can develop the relationship by providing enough information, managing workforce engagement, and job design and so on Role of employee trainee in employee relation: by provide the proper training employee trainee ensure the proper employee relation. Role of financials manager: By making suitable wages and salary policy financial manager help to maintain employee relationship Why do you think the field of Industrial Relations has been replaced with the name Employee Relations over the years? Give examples to support your answer (M1) Industrial relation means the relation between industries and employee relation means the relation among the employee, employer and management. The term industrial relation has been replaced with the name f the employee relation .i support this statement for the below reasons Industrial relation replaced by the employee relation because RE concept is much helpful to the firm Employee relation is easier to understand for the general employee. industrial relation is not so much effective than the employee relation now employee is consider the core element of any organization for which industrial relation replaced The value of industrial relation cant maintain the better relationship. (naukrihub ,2012). LO2: Understand the nature of industrial conflict and its resolution Explain the procedures an organization should follow when dealing with different conflict situations Every organization faces many types of conflict. Many organizations maintain a code of procedure to solve the workplace conflict. The procedure of dealing with different conflict situation maintain three steps Indentify causes of conflict Identify the way of solve conflict situation Ways of implement solving procedure Conflict solve procedure Armstrong, M,(2003), Identify the causes of conflict: For many causes conflict can arise in an organization. the most common reason are given below sexual harassment in the organization is the prime cause of employee conflict conflict may be arises for the leadership problems past problem which cant solve in the proper tome can be the cause of conflict unhealthy and risky working condition unplanned communication system lack of proper training Identify the ways of solving conflict: Conflict must be solving for the organization further success and maintain proper employee relation. There are many ways to solving the conflict of the organization. Those are ensuring the safety and healthy workplace manager can solve workplace conflict giving reward for maintaining employee relation giving the wages and salary in time by maintain proper communication system managing NO HARASMENT policies in all sectors of the business by employee empowerment business can solve workplace conflict Ways to implement solving procedure: There are many ways to implement the solving measures. An organization can implement the solving procedure by the following ways by taking open decision from all of the members of the organization because many innovative ideas may come from general members make a conversation with the Human Resource Manager of the organization and employee representative by managing all business records Making formal commitment about the employee right organization can solve the conflict. Explain the key features of employee relations in a real life conflict situation of British American Tobago (BAT) British American Tobago is very conscious about the employee relation because this company knows that the overall success of an organization depends much on the proper employee relation. In the real life this company maintains some feature to manage the employee relation. Those features are evaluate the degree of employee relation evaluate the contribution of the employee relation to the business success and evaluate the necessary of employee relation in the real life In the real life this company thinks that the employee relation depend on the following feature compensation and payment process securities and safeties of the employees how organizational works are manage and labor management issue Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures used in a conflict situation from real life organization Lack of better understanding between the employee and employer and employee and management can refer as workplace conflict. In the above we see that there is a three steps procedure to solve a conflict. But there is a question may arise how effective of this procedures are? The effectiveness can evaluate by the many ways British American Tobago evaluate the effectiveness by the following ways consumed time to solve a conflict efficiency of solve of a convict cost of organization to solve a conflict measuring the employee relation after solving the conflict the efficiency of the conflict solve procedure measure Torrington Hall, (2007), Present findings from the reasons for conflict between British Airways Cabin Crew staff and management. British airways are a famous airways industry in the world. This is one of the leading companies in the air way industry. in the recent time there is a conflict arise among the cabin crew staff and management. The reasons of this conflict are given below cabin crew said that their salary is low in the measurement of their quality there is a lack of safety they have no insurance poor communication and there is lack of understanding between the cabin crew and manger LO3: Understand collective bargaining and negotiation processes Explain the role of negotiation in collective bargaining (P7) Conflict may arise in the organization for the bargain about any issue of the organization among the employees and management. This problem can solve by the collective bargaining. The definition of collective bargaining is a procedure of negotiation of any current issue of the organization. Negotiation plays some important role in the collective bargaining. The negotiation is mainly based on the employee salary and safety of the employee. The roles of negotiation in the collective bargaining are Torrington Hall, (2007) negotiation settle the industrial conflict negotiation decrease the unlimited freedom of the management by the negotiation employee become satisfied for which the production increase negotiation create a better relationship between the employee and employer By the negotiation the interests of the trade union fulfill. Critically reflect on any current conflict situation of any public or private organization in UK and give clear conclusions on the effectiveness of negotiation process between two parties (D1) Acas is a rewound organization in the UK. This company is very aware about right of its employee. But recently there is a conflict between the management body of acas and its employee. This conflict happened for many reasons among the lack of equal opportunity, less safety working conditions, unfair treatment, unbearable work load in main For these problems a conflict arises between the management and employee of acas. But this problem was taken under control by the governing body of acas using the negotiation process. To solve this problem governing body discuss with the human resource manager and identify the causes of conflict then they discuss with the employee representative. After discussion the governing understand the reason of conflict. Then the governing body takes some decision based on the employee wants and management lacking. (Acas , 2012) Evaluate the impact of negotiation strategy of London Transport Association for conflict with Tube workers in recent times. (P8) Negotiation is very important to solve the conflict. The negotiation is necessary for all types of company as it production based or service based. For this the negotiation plays an important role to solve the conflict between the London Transport Association and its employee. The impact negotiation to solve the conflict of London Transport Association are discuss below negotiation settle the London Transport Association conflict negotiation decrease the unlimited freedom of the management of the London Transport Association by the negotiation employee become satisfied for which the services standard of London Transport Association increases negotiation create a better relationship between the employee and employer of London Transport Association By the negotiation the interest of the trade union fulfills. Who work on behalf of the employee of the London Transport Association LO4: Understand the concept of employee participation and involvement Evaluate the influence of the EU policies and directives on industrial democracy of workers within the UK (P9) EU policies influence the industrial democracy of workers of UK. Suppose the anti harassment policy make a women move freely in the workplace. They can join any workplace without mental problem like harassment problem. Trade policy is another derivative of EU which indicates the degree of freedom of an organization. By this policy an organization involve in the international business. Safety and healthy workplace is n important policy of EU by which an industrial freedom is measured. If the workplace is safe for the employee the employee get more democratic right thus EU policies influence the UK employee freedom. The impact of UN policies in the UK are given below It protect the sunrise company of UK Vulnerable company of UK are protected by the EU policies EU policies manage the industrial freedom of the employee in the UK Influence the industrial democratic system of workers. Maintain Safety and healthy workplace in the UK business. (europa,2012). Taking help from the answer to Question 4.1 produce a report for LCC and recommend how these EU policies can benefit the organization for long term. (D2) A report LCC About the UN policies Report introduction: European Union is a combination of countries of the Europe. This union has some internal policies about business which influence on the UK business and others countries also. Those policies also influence on the industrial democracy. About the report: This report is about UN policies, the influence of UN policies impact on the democracy freedom and the lacking of the report. The impact of UN policies of the industrial freedom of the UK employee: EU policies influence the industrial democracy of workers of UK. Suppose the anti harassment policy make a women move freely in the workplace. They can join any workplace without mental problem like harassment problem. Trade policy is another derivative of EU which indicates the degree of freedom of an organization. By this policy an organization involve in the international business. Safety and healthy workplace is n important policy of EU by which an industrial freedom is measured. If the workplace is safe for the employee the employee get more democratic right thus EU policies influence the UK employee freedom. Recommendation: The operate policy of EU must be helpful for the general people of the Europe. The policy should be ensure the safety of the employee It is very looked-for to generate a safety and healthy agency for the employees. This must exist the democratic for the employer EU policies must be business oriented These policy must be helpful for the organization (europa,2012). Compare 3 methods used to gain employee participation and involvement in the decision making process in organizations (P10) Employee involvement is an important factor of human resource management. Employee involvement is an important tool to create employee interest on the work. by the employee involvement an employee was given the duty and power to any work for this thy do it with satisfaction. There are many ways of delegation, giving authority method, proper communication method, information method etc. Delegation: delegation is a process of delegate of work of the senior to the subordinate. In this process the supervisor gives responsibility to the subordinate to do any work with proper authority. This method is more effective than others. Proper information method: by providing proper information about the organization manager can give the power to the employee. In this method employee can access the organization information. Giving right technique: Everyone likes power or be a member of authority. Giving power employee involvement can increase. This method is more effective than other methods. Assess the impact of human resource management on employee relations (P11). Human resource management (HRM) is one of the most important parts of any business success and achievement of a business depends on the HRM practices of that business. The main activities of the human resource management are recruitment, employee selection, providing proper training to the employee, employee performance measurement, workplace planning and provide the employee salary and wages. The employee relation may influence by the human resource managements Decisions and activities crate influence on the employee relation. Human resource management always focuses on the employee and organizational development. Armstrong, M,(2003), Function of the human resource management assesses impact by the following ways: Employee selection policies and employee relation: When an organization selects an employee then it considers the employee behaviors. Every company wants to select those employees who are more friendly and skilled. HRM want to take those people who are smart and active and would have loyal to the organization culture for this the new employee can easily cope with the organization. All of the above functions are very helpful to maintain employee relation. Training and employee relation: Providing training is an important function of the HRM. The employee relation depends much on the employee training and development. By giving training to the employee based on the employee relation may helpful to maintain the e3mployee relation. Job design and employee relation: Sometime HRM designs job of the employee based on some assumption. They think workplace is the best place to build up a relationship among the employee because employee spends most of his time in the workplace. Some time job design is based on the help of other method where an employee must have to take help from the other employee. This policy is very helpful for the management to build up an employee relationship. Wages and salary method and employee relation: The relationship between the employee and employer, and employee and management depend on the salary method. if an organization cant pay the salary properly or on the fixed time the overall relationship among the management and employee may breakdown. Work place planning and employee relation: Employee relation depends much on the workplace planning. Safety and healthy workplace help employees to build up a relationship among them. Combine work for example will help employer to create a better relationship with them. Stone, R. (1995) Support your answer in P11 by critically evaluating the impact of any 3 HR practices in improving employee relations in a large organization of your choice (D3). British American Tobago (BAT) is world famous company which is very much aware about the employee relation. The human resource management of BAT is responsible for the employee relation. in the below three human resource planning are discuss which improving the employee relation of the BAT. Employee selection policies of BAT and employee relation: When British American Tobago selects an employee then it considers the employee behaviors. British American Tobago selects those employees who are more friendly and skilled. HRM want to take those people who are smart and active and would have loyal to the organization culture for this the new employee can easily cope with the organization. all of the above functions are very helpful to maintain employee relation in the BAT. (LinkedIn, 2012) Training of British American Tobago and employee relation: Providing training is an important function of the HRM. The employee relation depends much on the employee training and development. By giving training to the employee based on the employee relation create helpful situation for BAT to maintain the e3mployee relation. Job design of British American Tobago and employee relation: and employee relation: British American Tobago designs job of the employee based on some assumption. They think workplace is the best place to build up a relationship among the employee because employee spends most of his time in the workplace. Some time job design is based on the help of other method where an employee must have to take help from the other employee. This policy is very helpful for the management to build up a employee relationship. (LinkedIn, 2012) Wages and salary method of British American Tobago and employee relation: The relationship between the employee and employer, and employee and management depend on the salary method. if British American Tobago cant pay the salary properly or on the fixed time the overall relationship among the management and employee may breakdown. Conclusion: the word employee relation cannot use alone. If we want to ensure proper employee relation in the organization we have to manage the workplace conflict, negotiation process, and collective bargaining. We also know the different relationship theories.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Christopher Marlowe :: essays papers
Christopher Marlowe Christopher Marlowe: what did he contribute to English literature and how is his writing reflective of the style of the times? Christopher Marlowe contributed greatly to English literature. He developed a new metre which has become one of the most popular in English literary history, and he revitalised a dying form of English drama. His short life was apparently violent and the man himself was supposedly of a volatile temperament, yet he managed to write some of the most delicate and beautiful works on record. His writing is representative of the spirit of the Elizabethan literature in his attitude towards religion, his choice of writing style and in the metre that he used. Christopher Marlowe was born in 1564 the son of a Canterbury shoemaker and was an exact contemporary of Shakespeare. He was educated at the King's School, Canterbury, and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He became a BA in 1584 and a MA in 1587. He seems to have been of a violent nature and was often in trouble with the law. He made many trips to the continent during his short lifetime and it has been suggested that these visits were related to espionage. In 1589 he was involved in a street brawl which resulted in a man's death. An injunction was brought against him three years later by the constable of Shoreditch in relation to that death. In 1592 he was deported from the Netherlands after attempting to issue forged gold coins. On the 30th of May 1593 he was killed by Ingram Frizer in a Deptford tavern after a quarrel over the bill. He was only 29 years old. During the middle ages, culture and government were influenced greatly by the Church of Rome. The Reformation of Henry VIII (1529-39), and the break of ties with that church meant that the monarch was now supreme governor. This altered the whole balance of political and religious life, and, consequently, was the balance of literature, art and thought. The literature of Elizabethan England was based on the crown. This period of literature (1558-1625) is outstanding because of its range of interests and vitality of language. Drama was the chief form of Elizabethan art because there was an influx of writers trying to emulate speech in their writing, and because of the suddenly expanded vocabulary writers were using (most of these new words came from foreign languages). Marlowe's plays comprise The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage (possibly with some collaboration from Nashe), Tamburlaine parts one and two, The Jew of Malta, Edward II, Dr.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Meralco Financial Analysis
INTRODUCTION MERALCO is the Philippines’ largest electric power distribution company, with franchise service area covering 9,337 square kilometres. It provides power to 4. 8 million customers in 31 cities and 80 municipalities, which include the whole of Metro Manila, the provinces of Rizal, Cavite and Bulacan, and parts of Pampanga, Batangas, Laguna and Quezon. Business establishments in the franchise area account for almost 46% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product or GDP.Through Clark Electric Distribution Corporation or CEDC, a 65%-subsidiary, it holds the power distribution franchise for Clark Special Economic Zone in Clark, Pampanga. CEDC franchise area covers 32 square kilometres and 1,611 customers. The Company is organized into three major operating segments, namely, power distribution, real state and contracts, services and others. In 2010, MERALCO PowerGen Corporation or MPG (formerly Asian Center for Energy Management), a wholly owned subsidiary, was reorg anized as the Company’s vehicle for potential entry into power generation. COMPANY PROFILEMERALCO marches on to its 108th year of service in 2011. Consistently in the list of the Philippines’ top five corporations and cited among Asia’s finest, MERALCO today serves over 4. 8 million residential, commercial and industrial customers. It is strategically located to serve the country’s center of commerce and industry and its hub of government services and infrastructures. It services about 30 manufacturing economic zones, which also compete in the global market. Likewise, the Company caters to providers of outsourced business process, both domestic and international. MERALCO’s 9,337 sq. km. ranchise area overs 31 cities and 80 municipalities including Metro Manila, the entire provinces of Bulacan, Rizal and Cavite; parts of the provinces of Laguna, Quezon, Batangas and Pampanga. Electrification level in the franchise area is 99%. MISSION to provide our customers the best value in energy, products and services. VISSION to be a world-class company and the service provider of choice. OBJECTIVES: To protect and enhance the interest of its stakeholders by committing itself to the following principles. 1. The Customers are its reason for being, and therefore, they should always be treated with dignity.The Company must be fully responsive to their needs. The Company has the responsibility to: * Provide the customers with the highest quality products and services, consistent with their requirements and with international standards; * Treat the customers fairly, courteously and with integrity in all of its business transactions; * Act promptly on their immediate concerns and be receptive to their long-term needs and interest; and * Make every effort to ensure that the health, safety and general well-being of its customers are enhanced by its products and services. 2.The Employees are its most valued asset, and therefore, they should alway s be treated with dignity and with full consideration of their interest. The Company has the responsibility to: * Provide its employees with incentives and opportunities for professional growth and advancement; * Provide its employees with just and competitive compensation, and benefits that improve their living conditions and incentives * Guarantee fairness, equal treatment and opportunity and avoid discriminatory practices; and * Provide suitable and safe working conditions to protect employees from avoidable injury and illness in the workplace. . Its Investors are its principals, and therefore, the trust they have placed in the company must be honoured. The company has the responsibility to: * Apply professional and diligent management to ensure the financial viability of the company and maintain a fair and competitive return for its investors; and * Conserve and enhance its investors’ assets, and fulfil and safeguard their interest. 4. The Suppliers and Creditors are its business partners and, therefore, the relationship with them must be based on mutual respect and benefit.The company has the responsibility to: * Foster long-term stability, direct relation and continuous development with suppliers to attain quality, competitiveness, process efficiency and performance reliability; * Seek fairness, truthfulness, integrity and transparency in all of its business dealings with them; and * Seek encourage and prefer suppliers whose business practices respect human dignity and the environment. . The Competitors are its catalyst toward continuing service excellence and, therefore, the competition with them should be fair and honest, a basic requirement for national development in the distribution of products and services to the community. The Company has the responsibility to: * Promote behaviour that demonstrates mutual respect among competitors; and * Maintain the highest level of business ethics and integrity. . The Community is its business environment and the society it serves. The Company has the responsibility to: * Uphold and maintain at all times the highest standards of business ethics; * Fulfil with dedication and commitment its social responsibilities; * Undertake activities that support and contribute to the economic and social development of the country; 7.Employ proactive measures and cooperate with the government and non-government institutions in activities to serve society towards a collective benefit. * Help the government in its efforts and programs in its efforts and programs towards raising investor confidence, developing the capital market, and ensuring high sustained economic growth through good corporate governance. Observe and comply at all times with the orders, rules and regulations of the government, its agencies and instrumentalities, in the pursuit of its utility objectives and other corporate endeavors; * Institutionalize sound environmental practices in collaboration with the concerned government agen cies and encourage other corporations/organizations to support all programs for an effective environmental management system. SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES * Meralco Powergen Corporation (MPG) * Clark Electric Distribution Corporation (CEDC) * Radius Telecoms, Inc. * Meralco Financial Services Corporation (FINSERVE) Lighthouse Overseas Insurance Limited (LOIL) * Meralco Energy, Inc. (MEI) * Rockwell Land Corporation (ROCKWELL) * Republic Surety and Insurance Company, Inc. (RSIC) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION| | | | | December 31 | | 2010 | 2009 | | (amounts in millions) | ASSETS| | | | | | Current Assets| | | Cash and Cash equivalents| Php 24,370. 00 | Php 17,068. 00 | Trade and other receivables – net| 25,609. 00 | 21,600. 0 | Inventories – at lower cost or net realizable value| 2,043. 00 | 1,857. 00 | Land and development costs – at lower of cost or net realizable value| 1,708. 00 | 1,191. 00 | Other current assets| 2,027. 00 | 2,969. 00 | TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS| 55,757. 00 | 44,685. 00 | | | | Noncurrent Assets| | | Utility plant and others – net| 101,009. 00 | 98,231. 0 | Construction in progress| 2,241. 00 | 3,627. 00 | Investments in associates and a joint venture| 321. 00 | 1,203. 00 | Investments properties – net| 8,037. 00 | 8,021. 00 | Deferred pass – through fuel costs| 1,222. 00 | 3,161. 00 | Deferred tax assets – net| 42. 00 | 17. 00 | Other noncurrent assets – net| 10,339. 0 | 13,184. 00 | TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS| 123,211. 00 | 127,444. 00 |  | Php 178,968. 00 | Php 172,129. 00 | | | | | | | LIABILITIES AND EQUITY| | | Current Liabilities| | | Notes Payable| Php 149. 00 | Php 513. 00 | Trade payables and accrued expenses| 31,138. 00 | 28,261. 00 | Income tax payable| 413. 00 | 133. 00 | Customer's refund| 7,131. 0 | 9,147. 00 | Current portion of interest – bearing long-term financial liabilitie s| 5,574. 00 | 4,069. 00 | TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES| 44,405. 00 | 42,123. 00 | | | | Noncurrent Liabilities| | | Interest-bearing long-term financial liabilities – net of current portion| 15,498. 00 | 17,234. 00 | Customer's deposits – net of current portion| 23,761. 00 | 25,063. 0 | Deposits from pre-selling of condominium units| 741. 00 | 343. 00 | Deferred tax liabilities – net| 3,322. 00 | 4,230. 00 | Long-term employee benefits| 9,547. 00 | 10,987. 00 | Provisions| 12,875. 00 | 7,492. 00 | Advances for construction – net of current portion| 3,271. 00 | 2,989. 00 | Other noncurrent liabilities| 2,352. 0 | 522. 00 | TOTAL NONCURRENT LIABILITIES| 71,367. 00 | 68,860. 00 |  |  |  | TOTAL LIABILITIES| 115,772. 00 | 110,983. 00 | | | | Equity Attributable to Equity Holders of the Parent| | | Common Stock| 11,273. 00 | 11,273. 00 | Subscriptions receivable| (738. 00)| (960. 00)| Additional paid-in capital| 4,111. 0 | 4,112. 00 | Excess of Acquisit ion cost over carrying value of non-controlling interest acquired| (328. 00)| (328. 00)| Employee shared-based payment plan| 743. 00 | 569. 00 | Unrealized fair value gains on available-for-sale investments| 96. 00 | 71. 00 | Share in cumulative translation adjustment of a subsidiary and an associate| 12. 00 | 684. 0 | Retained earnings:| | | Appropriated| 6,000. 00 | 4,198. 00 | Unappropriated| 37,800. 00 | 37,750. 00 | Equity Attributable to Equity Holders of the Parent| 58,969. 00 | 57,369. 00 | | | | Non-controlling interests| 4,227. 00 | 3,777. 00 | TOTAL EQUITY| 63,196. 00 | 61,146. 00 | | | | | | | Php 178,968. 00 | Php 172,129. 00 | MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME| | | | | Years Ended December 31 | | 2010 | 2009 | | (amounts in millions, except per share data) | | | | REVENUES| | | Sale of electricity| 239,077. 00 | 178,686. 00 | Sale or real state| 3,375. 00 | 2,877. 00 | Sale of contracts, services and others| 3,009. 00 | 2,987. 00 |  | 245,461. 0 | 184,550. 00 | | | | | | | EXPENSES (INCOME)| | | Purchased power| 200,916. 00 | 150,928. 00 | Operations and maintenance| 15,711. 00 | 13,611. 00 | Depreciation and amortization| 6,219. 00 | 5,064. 00 | Provision for probable charges and expenses from claims| 5,750. 00 | 3,351. 00 | Cost of real estate sold| 2,640. 00 | 2,230. 0 | Interest and other financial income| (2,690. 00)| (4,246. 00)| Cost of services| 1,996. 00 | 1,803. 00 | Provision (reversal of provision) for probable losses from refund – net| (1,632. 00)| (1,179. 00)| Interest and other financial charges | 493. 00 | 3,328. 00 | Equity in net earnings of associates and a joint venture| (283. 00)| (245. 0)| Accretion of present value impact on customers' refund | 225. 00 | 555. 00 | Foreign exchange losses (gains) – net| 51. 00 | (266. 00)| Taxes, fees and permits| 974. 00 | 421. 00 | Others| 654. 00 | 216. 00 |  | 231,024. 00 | 175,571. 00 | | | | INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX| 14,437. 00 | ,979. 00 | | | | PROVISION FOR (BENEFIT FROM) INCOME TAX| | | Current| 5,233. 00 | 3,218. 00 | Deffered| (913. 00)| (595. 00)|  | 4,320. 00 | 2,623. 00 | | | | NET INCOME| Php 10,117. 00 | Php 6,356. 00 | MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOW| | | | | | | 2010| 2009| | | (Amounts in Millions)| CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES| Php 14,437. 0 | Php 8,979. 00 | Income before income tax| | | Adjustments for:| | | | Depreciation and amortization| 6,219. 00 | 5,064. 00 | | Provision for probable charges and expenses from claims| 5,750. 00 | 3,351. 00 | | Interest and other financial income| (2,690. 00)| (4,246. 00)| | Interest and other financial charges| 493. 0 | 3,328. 00 | | Provision (reversal of provision) for probable losses from refund – net| (1,632. 00)| (1,179. 00)| | Loss on disposal of utility plant and others – net| 1,033. 00 | | | Provision for doubtful accounts, net of recoveries| 982. 00 | 886. 00 | | Cost o f guaranteed service levels pay-out| 388. 00 | 216. 0 | | Loss from disposal of investment| | 46. 00 | | Equity in net earnings of associates and a joint venture| (283. 00)| (245. 00)| | Present value impact on customer's refund| 225. 00 | 555. 00 | | Employee share-based payments| 174. 00 | 301. 00 | | Reversal of write-down of inventory to net realizable value| (3. 0)| (41. 00)| | Gain on disposal of investment property| (4. 00)| | | Donation of investment property| 2. 00 | |  | Foreign exchange loss (gain)| 51. 00 | (266. 00)| Operating income befor working capital changes| 25,412. 00 | 16,749. 00 | Decrease (increase) in:| | | | Trade and other receivables| (10. 0)| 15,601. 00 | | Inventories| (130. 00)| (168. 00)| | Land and development costs| (517. 00)| (531. 00)| | Deferred pass-through fuel costs| 1,939. 00 | 631. 00 | | Other current assets| 955. 00 | (1,854. 00)| Increase (decrease) in:| | | | Trade payables and accrued expenses| 41. 0 | 8,798. 00 | | Customer's re fund| (2,241. 00)| (2,889. 00)| | Customer's deposits| 1,298. 00 | 2,913. 00 | | Deposits from pre-selling of condominium units| 398. 00 | 307. 00 | | Long-term employee benefits| (1,424. 00)| (1,555. 00)|  | Provisions| (140. 0)| (4,935. 00)| Net cash generated from operations| 25,311. 00 | 33,067. 00 | Income tax paid| (4,953. 00)| (3,797. 00)| Net cash flows generated from operating activities| 20,358. 00 | 29,270. 00 | CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES| | | Additions to:| | | | Construction in progress| (5,769. 00)| (7,914. 0)| | Utility plant and others| (2,741. 00)| (187. 00)| | Intangibles| (300. 00)| (127. 00)| | Investments properties| (110. 00)| (662. 00)| Interest and other financial income received| 1,058. 00 | 1,332. 00 | Proceeds from:| | | | Return of investment| 752. 0 | | | Disposal of utility plant and others| 82. 00 | | | Disposal of investment property| 28. 00 | | | Settlement of deliverable currency forwards| 5. 00 | | Dividends received from associates| 96. 00 | 445. 00 | Dividends paid by subsidiaries attributable to non-controlling interests| (15. 00)| | Decrease (increase) in:| | | | Other noncurrent assets| 622. 0 | (1,657. 00)| | Other receivables| | | Net cash used in investing activities| (6,292. 00)| (8,770. 00)| CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES| | | Proceeds from:| | | | Interest-bearing long-term financial liabilities, net of issue costs| 10,528. 00 | 12,398. 00 | | Notes payable| 380. 00 | 2,936. 00 | | Collection of subscriptions receivable| 222. 0 | 445. 00 | Payments of:| | | | Interest-bearing long-term financial liabilities| (10,748. 00)| (8,295. 00)| | Dividends| (6,187. 00)| (2,820. 00)| | Interest and other financial charges| (2,044. 00)| (1,524. 00)| | Notes payable| (744. 00)| (12,251. 00)| | Stock transaction costs| (1. 0)| | Increase(decrease) in other noncurrent liabilities| 1,830. 00 | 277. 00 | Net cash flow used in financing activities| (6,764. 00)| (8,834. 00)| NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALE NTS| 7,302. 00 | 11,666. 00 | CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR| 17,068. 00 | 5,402. 00 | CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR| Php 24,370. 0 | Php 17,068. 00 | MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES| RATIO ANALYSIS| | 2010| 2009| TEST OF LIQUIDITY| | | | | | A. Current Ratio =| Current Assets| | | Current Liabilities| | | | | =| 55757. 00 | 44685. 00 | | 44405. 00 | 17234. 00 | | | | =| 1. 26| 1. 06| | | | B. Acid-test Ratio =| Cash + Short-term investments +receivables (net)| | | Current Liabilities| | | | | =| 49979. 00 | 3048. 00 | | 44405. 00 | 17234. 00 | | | | =| 1. 13| 0. 18| | | | C. Receivables turnover =| Net credit sales| | | Average net receivables| | | | | =| 245461. 00 | 184550. 00 | | 36409. 00 | 36409. 00 | | | =| 6. 74| 5. 07| | | | Average Collection period =| 365 days| | | receivable turnover| | | | | =| 365 days| 365 days| | 6. 74| 5. 07| | | | =| 54. 15 days| 72. 01| | | | D. Inventory turnover =| COGS| | | Average inventory| | | | | =| 22126 3. 00 | 168572. 00 | | 2971. 50 | 2971. 50 | | | | =| 74. 46 times| 56. 73| TEST OF SOLVENCY| | | | | | A. Debt to total assets ratio =| total debt| | | total assets| | | | | =| 115772. 00 | 110,983. 00| | 178968. 00| 172,129. 00| | | | =| 0. 65| 0. 64| | | | B. Times interest earned =| Income before income taxes and interest expense| | | interest expense| | | | | =| 14,437. 0 | 8979. 00 | | 493. 00 | 3328. 00 | | | | =| 29. 28| 2. 70| | | | TEST OF PROFITABILITY| | | | | | A. Profit Margin =| Net income| | | Net sales| | | | | =| 10,117. 00 | 6356. 00 | | 245,461. 00| 184550. 00 | | | | =| 4%| 3%| | | | B. Asset Turnover =| Net Sales| | | Average assets| | | | | =| 245,461. 00 | | | 175,548. 50 | | | | | =| 1. 40| | | | | C. Return on assets =| Net Income| | | Average Assets| | | | | =| 10,117. 00 | | | 175,548. 50 | | | | | =| 6%| | | | | D. Return on common stockholder's equity =| Net income| | | Average common stockholder's equity| | | | =| 10,117. 00 | | | 11,273. 00 | | | | | =| 90%| | | | | E. Earnings per share =| Net Income| | | Weighted average common shares outstanding| | | | | =| 10,117. 00 | | | 1,127. 00 | | | | | =| 8. 98| | | | | F. Price-earnings ratio =| Market price per share of stock| | | earnings per share| | | | | =| 10| | | 8. 62| | | | | =| 1. 16| | | | | G. Pay-out Ratio =| Cash Dividends| | | Net income| | | | | =| 7,834. 00 | | | 10,117. 00 | | | | | =| 77. 43| | ANALYSIS HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ANALYSIS REVENUES For the year end December 31, 2010 MERALCO procured a Php245, 461 million revenues, 33. 0% higher than previous year revenues worth Php184, 550 million. Sales from the three major operating segments increased during the year 2010 with the power distribution as the top performing operating segments. Php178,686 million sales from electricity was a 96. 82% of Php184,550 million. EXPENSES Expenses for the year 2010 amounted to Php231,024 million was increased by Php55,453 million or 31. 58% due to higher purchased power that was increased by 33. 12%. In support to this, purchased power got 86. 97% of the total Php231,024 worth of expenses. NET INCOME Php10,117 million net worth of income of 2010 was 59. 7% higher than 2009 it’s because of the higher sales of electricity for the year 2010. Eventhough the net income for the year 2010 is just a 4. 12% of the total sales the company still achieved its higher net income compare to 2009. CURRENT ASSETS As of December 31, 2010, the Company’s consolidated cash and cash equivalents amounted to Php24,370 million, Php7,302 million or 42. 78% higher compared with the balance of Php17,068 million of December 31, 2009. In addition, cash and cash equivalents achieved 13. 62% of its Php178,968 million total assets. This is due to a higher average collection period from 29 days to 24 days.Other increase in current assets may be due to higher sales for the year 2010. CURRENT LIABILITIES Current liabilities had increased by 5. 42% or Php2,282 million by the yea r ended December 31, 2010 with trade payables and accrued expenses having the highest increase worth Php2,877 million, achieving 20. 52% of its total liabilities. Decreases in the current liabilities was due to payments of some payables and some customer’s refund. NONCURRENT ASSETS Most of the noncurrent assets had decreased by the year 2010, this is due completion of major electric projects and due to consumption of fuel gas.NONCURRENT LIABILITIES A total of Php4,789 million increase in noncurrent liabilities of the company may due to issuance of long term obligations that could result in an increase in working capital. This increase was due to pre-termination of some loan deposits received from units sold on instalment contracts. EQUITY The employee shared-based payment plan had increased by 31% as of December 31, 2010. This is due to recognition of the provisions of PFRS2, â€Å"Shared-based Payments†related to Employee Stock Puchase Plan. And a decrease of 98. 5% of the share in cumulative translation adjustment of a subsidiary and an associate was resulted from the return of capital related to the Company’s investment in FPPC. RATIO ANALYSIS CURRENT RATIO A total of Php55,757 million worth of current assets definitely means a capability of the Company to pay its current liabilities worth Php44,045. This means a 1. 26 current ratio is an indicator of a slightly strong financial position. ACID-TEST RATIO A 1. 13:1 acid-test ratio of the company simply portrays that its most liquid assets can settle its current liabilities. RECEIVABLE TURNOVERThe Company can collect its receivables 6. 74 times in a year with an average of 54. 15 days or less than two months collection period. This situation is favourable to the company’s present position. INVENTORY TURNOVER As inventory is being concern, the company is efficient in managing its inventories. A 74. 46 times inventory turnover is a proof of the latter statement. It is not too high n or too low indicating a better liquidity. DEBT TO TOTAL ASSET RATIO More than half of the company’s assets are financed through the company’s debts. This is proven by a 0. 65 ratio of debt to total asset.TIMES INTEREST EARNED Since the earnings of the company, Php14,437, is higher than its total interest expense, Php493, the company has the capability to settle its debts. Getting a 30. 28 ratio means that the company is able to meet its interest obligations because its earnings is significantly greater than its annual interest obligations. PROFIT MARGIN Compare to 2009 profit margin of 3%, the company got 4% profit margin which indicates that the revenue earned, Php245, 461million by the company was effectively converted into actual profit, Php10,117 million, despite of Php231, 024 total expenses .ASSET TURNOVER The 1. 4 asset turnover ratio of 2010 is relatively higher than 2009 meaning despite of Php178,968 million total assets the company still gained a total revenu e of Php245,461 million with a total net profit of Php10,117 million meaning the company is efficiently utilizing its assets to produce a favourable profit. RETURN ON ASSETS The company has a total 6% return on assets of 2010 which is 2% higher than 4% return on assets of 2009 indicates that the company can make an intelligent choice on how to spend its money on new assets. RETURN ON COMMON STOCKHOLDER’S EQUITYA 6% increase in return on common stockholder’s equity simply indicates that the company is generating profits on its common stock investment meaning it is generating an income for the benefit of common stockholders. EARNINGS PER SHARE With an 8. 62 earnings per share which is higher than the 2009 EPS, 5. 74, the company is getting a higher earnings, meaning a strong financial position. PRICE-EARNINGS RATIO The 1. 16 price-earnings mean that investors are ready to pay 10 times earnings. The company has a chance in getting numerous investors. PAY-OUT RATIO A 77. 3 % of the total Php7834 can be paid back to shareholders. Investors will increase its confidence to the company. CONCLUSION MERALCO is the Philippines’ largest electric power distribution company, with franchise service area covering 9,337 square kilometers. It provides power to 4. 8 million customers in 31 cities and 80 municipalities, which include the whole of Metro Manila, the provinces of Rizal, Cavite and Bulacan, and parts of Pampanga, Batangas, Laguna and Quezon. Business establishments in the franchise area account for almost 46% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product or GDP.The Company registered consolidated revenues for the year ended December 31, 2010 amounted to P=245,461 million, 33% higher compared with the P=184,550 million for the same period last year. Sales from all operating segments increased during the year with the highest registered by power distribution. The increase in electricity spending is attributable to (i) increased number of customers across all customer classes, (ii) growth in various industries as restocking activities resume after the global economic crisis, (iii) unusually warmer temperature during the first half of the year and, (iv) election spendings.Sales from electricity amounted to P=239,077 million, an increase of P=60,391 million, or 34%, from P=178,686 million for the year ended December 31, 2009. Consolidated costs and expenses amounted to P=231,024 million for the year ended December 31,2010, P=55,453 million higher than the P=175,571 million last year, primarily due to higher purchased power costs, increased provision for doubtful accounts, accrual for compensation and employee benefits. The 2010 consolidated full year results reflect higher recurring net income compared with 2009 mainly as a result of increased volume of energy sold.Revenues generated from power distribution amounted to P=239,164 million for the year ended December 31, 2010, higher by 34% compared with P=178,752 million in 2009. Pass-through charges increased by P=48,442 million, or 33% to P=195,435 million compared with P=146,993 million in 2009, as a result of higher average generation charge during the year, partially offset by the decrease in the average recoverable system loss charge to P=11,567 million from P=16,108 million. Costs and expenses of the power distribution segment increased by P=55,211 million, or 32%, to P=225,905 million in 2010 compared with P=170,694 million in 2009.For the year ended December 31, 2010, purchased power costs amounted to P=200,916 million, an increase of 33% from P=150,928 million in 2009 brought about by the higher electricity consumption particularly from the industrial customers and increased in average purchased power cost per kWh. Operations and maintenance expense increased by P=2,100 million, or 15%, to P=15,711 million for the year ended December 31, 2010 compared with P=13,611 million for the year ended December 31, 2009 brought about by the increases in salar ies and wages and provision for doubtful accounts.MERALCO’s liquidity increased as the current and quick ratio rose in 2010. On the other hand, the company’s collection of receivables had dropped down from 72 days of 2009 to 54 days of 2010. This means the company is having a good turnover when it comes to it receivables. in this connection, the company achieved the 74. 46 times of inventory turnover that resulted to a higher sales. 0. 65 debt to total asset ratio and 30. 28 times interest earned proved that the company is solvent and able to meet its interest obligations.Revenue earned was effectively converted into actual profit despite of a higher total cost of expenses still the company gained a 59% increase in net income. As far as asset is concern, the company is efficiently utilizing its asset that resulted to a favourable profit. And because of the increase, we can say that the company is profitable and this could gain the trust of shareholders and may attract investors. RECOMMENDATION MERALCO’s total performance could be the basis of prospective investors to invest and it could be the reason why present stockholders will continue to do business with the company.A favourable increase in sales as well as the increase in net income may not be an indicator of a total good performance of a company. The management should still preserve its good turnover on assets and inventories to preserve its stockholders and the legacy that MERALCO had started ever since. The company should sustain its good performance since it’s the number one electricity supplier here in the Philippines. The service should be enhanced and be improved as well. Customer’s refund should be minimized as well as the receivables.The company should think of a better way of reducing refunds and receivables without sacrificing it’s service and trust of the customers. Assets should continue to increase and be utilized in the right manner. Acquiring of as sets should be done in the right time so that the company will not suffer in paying its unwanted debts. Continuous improvement and innovation when it comes to service is highly recommended for the company to hold its present position in the market. MERALCO should continue to give light and power to the entire archipelago.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ba Na Hill
Last year, I met a lot of trouble and suffer from stress because of hard working and studying. Therefore, I spent one day with my family to have a trip to Bana Hill and it has left many deep impression for me. After this trip, I Ba Na – Chua Mount Tourist Area is located in Hoa Vang District, 30km from the centre of Danang City so it took me about 1 hour to arrive at Dream Creek Station of Ba Na hills by car. Then, we bought tickets to ride by cable car which is the longest cable car in the world.A modern system of cable cars helps us get a bird's-eye view, very miraculous and attractive while enjoying a feeling of flying in the blue sky amidst the clouds and wind. Sitting on carbin cable suspended between the middle cloud, looking down at the vast mountains below, we saw many majestic forests and spectacular waterfalls,. After 15 minute, in front of my eyes, the French’s village was hidden in fogs. It was very ancient and splended with many old castle which is Frenchâ €™s architecture. I'm sure that anybody who has visited Ba Na can't forget this village.Arrive at Gare Ba Na, the first thing we noticed when approaching this gare were some villas perched on a hill top or hillside, behind thick pine forests and almost invisible on this foggy morning. Then,we walked to Fantasy Park which is so modern and attractive. I felt like here was Disney Land. There are funny games for children and thrilling ones for youth and older. At international indoor entertainment amusement Fantasy Park, there are 3 food and beverage areas served European, Asian foods, retail shop with many kinds of products. Next, we visited to one of the biggest temples of Ba Na hills which have a huge Buddha’s statue.In the alley, there was chirping birds, delicate flowery perfumes and many butterflies circled around. The courtyard of the temple is lined with stone. All tiredness seemed to disappear when we see the Buddha’s statue which stand out from and the tranqu il atmosphere of this temple. Visitor to Ba Na in summer can feel the climate of four seasons in one day. In the morning and afternoon, it is cool like the weather of spring and autumn. At noon, it is as sunny and cloudless as the weather of summer. And it is cold in the evening. The main attraction is exploring the forest paths and wandering among the ruined villas.In night, we enjoyed the cold air of Ba Na like winter. Then, we joined to camp-fire with other visitors, sang funny songs and danced together. End of the day, we returned to the hotel to sleep and prepare to leave Ba Na. The breathtaking sights from the top of the mountain make the viewers feel like there really is a different life as they enjoy the happiness of the things that are never known in a bustling urban lifestyle. No one can't deny that Ba Na hill is a masterpiece of nature and a pride of Da Nang city. So what a pity if I don't visit Ba Na to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature with my families.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Chemical Medicine Meridia drug
Chemical Medicine Meridia drug The use of chemical medicine in the treatment of diseases has an old history. For so many years, people have used medicine depending on its availability. However, development in technology has brought rapid progress in the field of medicine. Today, there are numerous medicines that are used to treat a wide range of conditions. One such condition is obesity.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Chemical Medicine: Meridia drug specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Apart from the traditional methods of losing weight that include dieting and exercises, there are a number of medicines that also come in handy. Sibutramine Hydrochloride Monohydrate (Meridia) drug has been used in weight management. Of late, Meridia has sparked a lot of controversy. This has been brought about by the discovery of long term effects pertaining to the drug. This paper will attempt to look at the side effects against the advantages of the Meridia drug. Me ridia has been associated with cardiovascular problems. Investigations have revealed that there are high chances of increased heart beats amongst users of the drug. A sizeable number of users have developed hypertension. It could also be associated with dilution of blood that makes the pumping by the heart much easy. This hence quickens the flow of blood in the body. The end result is death where corrective measures do not work. In fact, deaths have been registered among the users of Meridia drug. Stroke could also attack the patients and leave them immobilized hence unable to take care of themselves. It is not clear what causes these problems but definitely, there is the element of stimulating the body. This could lead to increased metabolism accounting for the fast heart beat. This functioning of the drug comes closer to what rigorous activity does to the body. The medical arena has registered increased numbers of patients with heart related complications. Treating these condition s has posed challenges most of which have financial dimension. That is why some medics argue that they cannot afford to have drugs adding to these problems being administered. Other problems associated with Meridia are hallucinations and confusion. Hallucinating persons see things which do not exist or are imagined. Getting confused is when a person looses focus and is not able to account on his/her actions. These are mental conditions that could take us closer home in terms of the devastating effects of the drug. Based on the foregoing, it is clear that the brain is not spared. It defeats common logic that an obese person could end up with mental breakdown while trying to control weight. The cause for these conditions may have some connection to the increased or reduced heart beat. Increased heart rates could strain the blood vessels in the brain triggering the confusion.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper wi th 15% OFF Learn More Reduced heart beats have to do with lesser flow of blood into the brain. This means that oxygen supply in the brain is insufficient. Death of cells in this case is inevitable and the onset of serious brain damage real. The problems posed by the drug are in the group of symptoms that form ill mental health. It is worth noting that a drug affecting the brain to the level of hallucinating or getting confused is dangerous to use. The benefits of Meridian when used as dieting drug are worthwhile. Studies have revealed that patients using the drug have potential to lose weight up to 4%. Some of them shed more weight than this percentage. This means that the drug is effective in weight management. It is truly a weapon against the obesity monster. Its performance is outstanding when it is compared to other dieting drugs in the market. When we take a look at the existing non medicine methods of losing weight, it is clear that Meridia is a better option. Dieting calls for concerted efforts and many a times it fails. The patients experience high appetites that may become uncontrollable. One may skip a meal only to eat more than is expected in subsequent meals. Dieting requires discipline but many loopholes are created and more often than not it does not work. Similar trends are experienced while excising. This leaves a clear choice for the use of Meridia. Taking the drugs is an easy routine to follow. As noted at the beginning of this paper, this drug can be seen as a product of the latest technology. It has really targeted the purpose for which it was developed. In conclusion, it is apparent that the disadvantages for this drug surpass the advantages. The side effects discussed here are about 20% of the total. There are other symptoms which may not appear as serious as the ones discussed. This does not however mean that they could be overlooked. It is common knowledge that with progression of the symptoms, the patient is bound to fa ce serious repercussions in the end. When a drug meant to control a condition end up causing death, it is only fair that it is withdrawn from the market. The authorities should not sit back and watch as innocent people get harmed. There has been an ongoing debate by experts concerning the drug. The issue seems to have divided these experts into two. There is the group which has maintained that the drug should be withdrawn from the market all together based on its side effects. The other group insists that there is no need to withdraw it. All of them seem to agree on the side effects with second group advising that the drug should be used on prescription by a physician. This advice is a manifestation of the fact that the drug is harmful. The role of the physician is to carry out examinations on the patient. If such a patient has a history of hypertension, then the usage of the drug is not recommended.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Chemical Medicine: Meridi a drug specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is tantamount to going round the problem instead of facing it head on. It is also wrong to point fingers at the wrong causes of health problems among patients using the drug. On the other hand, the world today is faced by the ever increasing cases of obesity. Many children are becoming obese and the scientists have attributed this to poor feeding habits. Many other people and particularly those on drugs are experiencing obesity. Curbing this menace hence becomes a priority. The drug in question has proofed its success and contains elements that are important when it comes to weight management. It would be prudent to identify the elements that cause the side effects so as to rebrand the drug. In the face of modern technology, improvement on the existing drug is possible. It would be an easier option to do adjustments to the drug as opposed to banning it.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Danielle Steels New Book Releases
Danielle Steel's New Book Releases Danielle Steel is one of the most prolific authors in the world. She is best known for romance novels but has also written nonfiction and childrens books. The books listed here are Steels newest novels. If you want to check out her other books, you can find information about everything she has written on the Danielle Steel website. Danielle Steels Book Releases in 2016 and 2017 March 2017 - Dangerous Games.  Follow TV correspondent Alix Phillips as she reports important news from dangerous riots in America to protests in Tehran. When her assignment turns to investigating the Vice President of the United States, threats begin and stakes rise.2017 -  The Mistress. The Mistress centers around a young woman who is rescued from the streets of Moscow by a Russian billionaire. She lives under his protection and is unfailingly loyal to him. The book frequents Paris, London, the Riviera and Moscow and immerses readers in a tale of vast wealth, courage and cruelty, as the characters approach an inevitable collision.2016 - The Award. The Award follows the life of young Gaelle de Barbet, who is 16 years old when the German army occupies France in 1940. Following the death of her father and brother at the hands of the Germans, and her mothers descent into madness, Gaelle joins the French Resistance, at great personal cost. Years later, Gaelles path eventuall y leads to the Legion of Honor Medal. 2016 - Rushing Waters. Set amid a catastrophe and its aftermath, Rushing Waters chronicles the experiences of characters who are thrown together by Hurricane Ophelia as it approaches New York City and the subsequent horrific flooding. Follow the exploits of an interior designer, a British investment banker, an ER doctor and two NYU students as their lives change in a second.2016 -  Magic. Magic starts in Paris at the annual White Dinner outside a spectacular landmark that changes each year. The dinner is accessible only by secret invitation, and all guests dress in white. The book follows the experiences of a group of close friends who attended the White Dinner as they travel around the globe during a year of heartbreak and success.2016 - The Apartment. Four young women come together by chance to share a spacious loft apartment in New York City. Over a span of years, the women share life in the apartment and become a family of friends, supporting one another through tryin g times and celebrating individual successes. 2016 - Property of a Noblewoman. A law clerk at surrogates court and a fine arts expert for Christies auction house are drawn together to unravel a mystery launched by an abandoned safe deposit box in a New York City bank. Through their efforts, the life of the owner is reconstructed as they follow clues from New York to London, Paris, Rome and Naples. Eventually, the womans legacy is honored and transforms lives long after she is gone.2016 - Blue. Ginny Carter is an on-air reporter who has it all with her husband and young son are killed in a car accident. She becomes a human rights worker in New York where she meets a homeless boy named Blue on the anniversary of her familys tragedy. Thirteen-year-old Blue changes her life. Steel has been a bestselling author for more than four decades, so you can easily find copies of her books.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
May 2008 Most Popular Articles
May 2008 Most Popular Articles May 2008 Most Popular Articles May 2008 Most Popular Articles By Daniel Scocco Below you will find the most popular articles over the past month. Check them out if you missed any. 44 Resume Writing Tips: Having a solid and effective resume can greatly improve your chances of landing that dream job. That is beyond discussion. How does one make sure that his resume is top notch and bullet proof, however? Cna Yuo Raed Tihs?: Today while opening my email I came across a very interesting message from a friend. It was basically a message where the letters of each word were all scrambled. The Vicissitudes of the Latin Plural in English: he dictionary says the word data can be treated as a singular. But strictly speaking the word is a plural. How does such a thing happen in language? You wouldn’t say, â€Å"the cars is fast†. How does a plural gain acceptance as a singular? Creative Writing 101: Creative writing is anything where the purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and emotions rather than to simply convey information. A While vs Awhile: Here’s a couple of words I use all the time interchangeably. But are they? a while vs. awhile Help me out, o oracle! What’s a Male Mistress?: The other day someone asked me for the male equivalent of â€Å"mistress.†An Englishman in New York The Problem Of UK-US English in Freelance Writing: Some people see the differences between American English and British English as a problem. I see them as an interesting challenge. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Fly, Flew, (has) FlownFlied?How to Punctuate with â€Å"However†Personification vs. Anthropomorphism
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Responce lettr Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Responce lettr - Essay Example Therefore, the meaning family tends to be on an individual basis because each individual could be living in a unique household. The increase in divorce rates is relatively alarming and the changes in sexual preferences have influenced families to adopt different family structures across many of the civilized nations. The implication of this is that this concept is not a unique challenge because the occurrence of broken families applies in mostdeveloping and developed societies. However, parents have the responsibility of helping their children to understand that these challenges exist rather than leaving them to suffer because of the sour relationship that may exist between them and their estranged spouses. In this case, this response letter will seek to explain how best individuals can express themselves without harming the feelings of other family members using the Johari window of disclosure. Further, it will also focus on the ways of easing dialect tension that may exist between family members using the dialect tension theory and the possible ways of communicating with them in order to avoid such tensions in the future. 1. Self-disclosure As per this scenario, the advancements made in technology such as social media helped in establishing a relationship with a sibling from the father that abandoned his family years back.The challenge here is that how does one remain loyal to the family that provides them with shelter and the other necessities of life andalsoseek to establish a bond with siblings from the other parent without hurting their feelings. One feels as though they have the obligation to lay out the facts straight before both parties, but this has a high likelihood that one of the parties might be hurt in this process (Rotenberg, 2006). Essentially, this can be challenging to the self-disclosure aspect in which one feels that developing a relationship with a family that their parents do not approve of makes them disloyal and ungrateful. Self-disclos ure is the most advisable way of handling such a situation as compared to lying, secrecy, or making hints that may suggest disloyalty to family. However, no options for maintaining a healthy relationship between family members are without consequences, but the outcome has not been as severe in the event that one comes out clean about the situation. In this case, an individual seeks to know the other family members that they share a lineage with the mistakes committed in the past are hindering the prosperity of this newfound relationship. However, the secret conversations that began without intending any harm could have been the beginning of this stalemate, but this does not mean that anyone is to blame for this situation. In this case, the mother and the stepbrother appear to be of importance, but the question that begsis to what extent. There is also the opportunity to know the stepbrotherbetter and develop a lasting relationship or maintaining the good mother-child relationship th at has existed for a much longer time. In order to establish whether the self-disclosure process is worth the risk, it is pertinent to ascertain whether it is substantive to do so or whether it is worth the risk. On the contrary, the execution ofself-disclosure should be with caution especially on the sibling met via Facebook because their personality is still a mystery. The Johari Window model of self-disclosure 1. Open/ free
Friday, October 18, 2019
Resistance against Hitler and his Nazi Regime Essay
Resistance against Hitler and his Nazi Regime - Essay Example For instance at one time, the Nazi regime issued 35, 200 death sentences, and out of this number, 20,000 victims were communist adherents. Also, in 1941, approximately 405 people were put in custody for being either followers of communism or Marxism. The enabling act of 1993 gave Hitler a lot of power, and Hitler misused this power by establishing a concentration camp at Dachau to deal firmly with the enemies of the Nazi regime (Sax & Kuntz, 1973). The rebels were arrested and brutally punished in the concentration camp. Hitler also used his enormous power to empower the Gestapo police unit more, so as to deal with the Nazi regime critics. Resistance Groups Doris Berger Understanding of Resistance Before we look at the various anti-Nazi forces in Germany, let us look at the meaning of the term resistance as understood by the historian Doris Bergen. Doris Bergen views resistance as any act that portrays disagreement and discontent with the status quo. For instance in pages 203- 204 of Berger’s book, War and Genocide: A concise History of the Holocaust, Berger details how the Nazi regime dealt with the perceived resistance movements, especially the Jews, whom the Nazi administration saw as the main threat of the Nazi administration. Berger’s conception of resistance therefore is any act that portrays opposition to the established system or to the status quo. This view of resistance is actually in agreement with the conventional understanding of the term resistance. German Youth Resistance against the Nazi Regime The main critics of the Nazi administration were the German youth. And to deal with this challenge, the Nazi regime established a system to make the youth remain loyal to the... Before we look at the various anti-Nazi forces in Germany, let us look at the meaning of the term resistance as understood by the historian Doris Bergen. Doris Bergen views resistance as any act that portrays disagreement and discontent with the status quo. For instance in pages 203- 204 of Berger’s book, War, and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust, Berger details how the Nazi regime dealt with the perceived resistance movements, especially the Jews, whom the Nazi administration saw as the main threat of the Nazi administration. Berger’s conception of resistance, therefore, is any act that portrays opposition to the established system or to the status quo. This view of resistance is actually in agreement with the conventional understanding of the term resistance.The main critics of the Nazi administration were the German youth. And to deal with this challenge, the Nazi regime established a system to make the youth remain loyal to the Nazi regime. The young men in Germany were supposed to be members of the Hitler youth movement and the girls were supposed to be members of the German Girls league movement. The youth movements limited the leisure time for the youth in an attempt to make them loyal to the Nazi regime (Rich, 1973).Notwithstanding these youth movements, some young people refused to be members of these movements and they continued with resisting the Nazi regime, some of the resistance youth groups that were formed included Edelweiss Pirates and the Swing group.
Sales Organizational Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sales Organizational Plan - Essay Example Sales Organizational Plan Bracrekunmitso Pharmaceuticals can use the Internet and local press for advertising purposes. Also, it is possible to use employment agencies to find professional staff in a short period of time. Selection practices will be based on manual resume screening and computerized. This procedure will help to select high professional applicants for the first interview. If the recruitment is competitive, it can create a feeling that those who are selected are truly valued. It can help build a positive self-image if the on-the-job experiences confirm that feeling. For Bracrekunmitso Pharmaceuticals, to recruit high qualified professionals is crucial especially for direct sales and customer support services. Medical degree and experience within pharmaceutical industry will be the main requirement applied to all candidates. The main criteria for selection will be professional skills and practical knowledge, personal characteristics and experience. Interviews will consist of several parts: behavi or based analysis, training and experience evaluations, biographical information and motivational fit (Armstrong 2001). Bracrekunmitso Pharmaceuticals will need expensive training programs for new staff. A special programs will be designed for pharmaceutical representatives and physicians referrals. One approach, which is somewhat broader than an assess ¬ment of training needs, and may be biased to the strategic changes the company is facing, is to design a workshop for senior managers to work through what is needed to implement some of the strategic decisions the company has made. Armstrong (2001) divides training needs assessment into three levels: corporate, group and individual level. The aim of the training is to help employee to cope with new environment and develop effective communication skills. Customer orientation means application of quality control principles to design/specification activities to formalize the mechanism for ensuring that customer requirements are incorporated. One of the most basic dilemmas faced by trainers is the balance between theory and practice; between what may be considered as theoretically desirable and what participants perceive as practically possible to implement. It is also important to achieve an appropriate balance between the assimilation of knowledge information and the development of skills in order to do something. Employees, for their part, should receive positive recognition for good training achievements. Also, special programs could be designed for team leaders to ensure effective group work and communication. Training will help to inspire and motivate employees. (Campbell, 1997). Bracrekunmitso Pharmaceuticals can use learning curve. Following Schuler (1998) it ascends quickly, showing increasing proficiency. There are various levels in the curve, where an employee is consolidating and developing the knowledge. Where a group of persons is trained, the group may set 'norms' which may stop individuals from moving ahead, and therefore it is important to ensure that the group norms are the same as the objectives of the trainer, so that individuals can progress (Schuler, 1998). Policies and Procedures The staff can exercise self-direction and control to achieve objectives to which they are committed, if they are persuaded by the
Managing Change in Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Managing Change in Organisations - Essay Example Employees and workers have to be well-equipped in the knowledge economy with the necessary mental, physical and psychological abilities. This is the new scenario in the twenty-first century: individuals should be ready for battle and their weapons are their knowledge, talent, capabilities, and experience to combat the multiple forces of modernity and technology. Organisations depend much on the workers; likewise workers can depend on organisational knowledge. This essay will present how our organisation is able to introduce change in a situation where everything seems to be crumbling. Complaints, suggestions, and rumors of forcible retirement are circulating, whilst top management is resigned to leaving it all up to fate or to next people interested to take the reins of power. Our concerns are deep rooted, mine perhaps is too personal, simply because I grew up with the company, my father and grandfather both came from ordinary workers to middle level managers of the organisation I have perceived to have become an institution. The organisation means many things to all of us. We have grown with the company. Letting the board do what they want to do because their job is done, or that they have attained what they wanted in life, is like leaving childhood memories to waste. Moreover, we are also fighting for survival here. Where will we go? Where will all these employees who will soon be replaced by new hires from the joint venture company find jobs? It is a major change, one which requires careful study, determination and will on the part of owners and management. How it is executed requires the cooperation of everyone, most of all, teamwork. Well, it is teamwork that we have missed all this time. The whole picture portrays a sick organisation. From the very beginning, the company seems going nowhere. First, production is really slow. The whole organisation is working at a slow pace that it seems the organisation cannot cope with the rising tide of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Scholarship for Young Entrepreneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
For Young Entrepreneur - Scholarship Essay Example ion called Pausa-GmbH as an internee, where I was responsible for cash and inventory management; along with these responsibilities, I also took active part in the strategic planning function of the organization. This experience further enhanced my abilities as a proficient manager and helped me developing my own business. I am a person with skills and talents, which I try polishing rather than wasting. Therefore, I keep myself busy working on different tasks and gaining experience, with the help of my multitasking ability. I joined JU Rosenheim, a political party and worked there as a recruiter. My major responsibility was to convince people to join the party and, as a result, I developed strong communication and convincing skills, which could definitely help me as an entrepreneur. In addition, I am active in physical activities and served as football coach at SpVgg-Unterhaching. Keeping in view that I am an active participant in various entrepreneurial activities, I believe, that I ideally qualify for the scholarship; however, my grim financial position will make it difficult for me to continue my educational journey. As I am an established entrepreneur, I hereby, apply for young entrepreneur scholarship. I hope that management of the institute will consider my request. I will be very grateful for this kind
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Happiness Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Happiness - Assignment Example Travelling allows me to do all this alongside giving me mental peace, which I require every now and then to regain my sanity. My earliest memories of happiness stretch back to the time when I was a small kid. What I cherish most about that time was how I used to visit my extended family and friends and how doing so used to bring about a smile on my face. I still remember the time when I once went out for a picnic with my extended family when I was six years old, and back then I thought that life couldn’t have been any better than this. If I look at what’s missing in my life according to the balance wheel, then that would have to be absence of a good financial condition. What I feel my problem is that I usually spend way more than what I have and end up worrying about how I would deal with my future financial needs. I feel I should work on controlling my spending habits so that I lead a happy, peaceful and stress less
Scholarship for Young Entrepreneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
For Young Entrepreneur - Scholarship Essay Example ion called Pausa-GmbH as an internee, where I was responsible for cash and inventory management; along with these responsibilities, I also took active part in the strategic planning function of the organization. This experience further enhanced my abilities as a proficient manager and helped me developing my own business. I am a person with skills and talents, which I try polishing rather than wasting. Therefore, I keep myself busy working on different tasks and gaining experience, with the help of my multitasking ability. I joined JU Rosenheim, a political party and worked there as a recruiter. My major responsibility was to convince people to join the party and, as a result, I developed strong communication and convincing skills, which could definitely help me as an entrepreneur. In addition, I am active in physical activities and served as football coach at SpVgg-Unterhaching. Keeping in view that I am an active participant in various entrepreneurial activities, I believe, that I ideally qualify for the scholarship; however, my grim financial position will make it difficult for me to continue my educational journey. As I am an established entrepreneur, I hereby, apply for young entrepreneur scholarship. I hope that management of the institute will consider my request. I will be very grateful for this kind
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Europe and the Suez Crisis 1956 Essay Example for Free
Europe and the Suez Crisis 1956 Essay To what extent was the military action undertaken by the British and French in the Suez Crisis 1956 really necessary? This historical investigation seeks to evaluate and compare the factors influencing the relationships and discussions between France and Britain during the Suez Crisis and thereby provoked them to commit military force to the region. The mainbody will look at the differences and similarities in Britains and Frances intentions in the Middle East, the internal situation (mainly in Britain), Nasserà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s actions, public opinion in Western Europe as well as American and UN policies on the crisis. In order to carry out his investigation a variety of sources will be consulted primary and secondary, from which relevant information will be selected. Carltonà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s Britain and the Suez Crisis and Thomas The Suez Affair will be of particular use. The sources used reliability (date of publication, author etc) will be discussed. An analysis of the main arguments of the authors as well as an evaluation of different historical interpretations will be carried out. B. Summary of evidence When Britain and France cancelled the loans to the Egyptian president, Nassers hydropower project, the Aswan dam, Nasser responded by nationalizing the Suez Canal Company on the 26th of July 1956. Information given in the book The Suez Affair tells us that the company was largely owned by British and French shareholders.1 Britain and France saw the Nasserà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s nationalization as a violation of international law and feared that this could create a power of vacuum, which could be filled by the Soviets, who were their communist enemy in the Cold War. Along with this, the nationalization of the canal directly threatened British and French influences in the area, which was rich on oilsupplies and secured Britains way to India. In a letter to the US President in September 1958, the British Prime Minister Eden wrote: We ought in the first instance to bring the maximum political pressure to bear on Egypt (but) my colleagues and I are convinced that we must be ready, in the last resort, to use force to bring Nasser to his senses. 2 In Mastering Modern World History it is revealed that a secret Anglo-American plan called Omega suggested to overthrow Nasser by using political and economic pressure3. Despite of this plan, the issue of using military force in Egypt remained a burning issue among the British Conservatives. According to Carlton, the British Cabinet, appeared divided on the matter of straight bash on the Canal issue by early September.4 The public opinion was strongly pro-military actions and called Nasser a new Hitler.5 The French Minister Mollet, did not attempt to keep in good terms with any Arab, whom he felt distrust towards, and was to be a strong supporter of the decision to use military force. They believed that the money of the Algerian rebels, which they fought against, came from Cairo. Both the French and the British associated Nasserà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s nationalization of the Canal with historical analogies, which was not going to be repeated: Hitlerà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s occupation of The Rhineland as well as his take over of Czechoslovakia. The US-president, Eisenhower, strongly expressed his hostility on the matter of forces being used in Egypt. According to Peter L. Hahn, Eisenhower viewed Nasser as a danger of Western threat but believed that force only would facilitate Soviet infiltration in the region.6 So the Americans proposed an association of canal users, the SCUA, when it was revealed that the British and French tried to seek approval in the UN, where their actions could be justified due to the Soviet veto. The British did accept the SCUA, but its impact on Nasser was destined to be negligible. With the end of the SCUA Conference, French and British Ministers, engaged in negotiations with their Egyptian counterpart and agreed to the Six Principles7 (see Appendix). Although this seemed to suggest a peaceful settlement, French and British military preparations to invade Egypt continued. On 24 October the British and the French Foreign Ministers held a secret meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister who was determined to force Egypt to recognize the state of Israel. Five days after this meeting, Israeli forces invaded Egypt. When Egypt refused to withdraw from the Suez Canal, British and French bombed Egyptian airfields and landed troops at Port Said. The British-French attack on Egypt was greeted with angry protests all over the world. According to Keith Robbin, the UN unanimously condemned the Franco-British action on 2nd November8 At last, the UN proclaimed cease-fire on November 6 and British and French forces withdrew. C. Evaluation of sources The Suez Affair was published in 1966 (latest edition published in 1986), and was written by Hugh Thomas who resigned from the British Government after the Suez Crisis. Thomas stated purpose for this book is that It is an interim Report.9 in which he has used materials available and interviewed people, mainly British, involved in the Crisis. The value of this book is that it is a detailed and fascinating description of the British governments handling of the Crisis, professionally narrated by Thomas who himself experienced the Suez Crisis has an insight in the internal situation in Britain during this period of time. However, this may also make the source biased as it is very much written from a British standpoint. This method has certain limitations as memories can alter and are not reliable. David Carlton, who also has written a bibliography about Anthony Eden, published Britain and the Suez Crisis in 1988. The book is aimed at undergraduates; school students and other interested in post war British history. The purpose of the book is to inform people about the recent past, in order to prevent recent political indoctrination. Although it is acknowledged in the preface that there are problems of bias, subjectivity and perspectives in studying the past, the value of reading history outweigh the drawbacks10. Carltonà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s book is far more analytical than Thomasà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ and includes different historical interpretations of the Crisis, which is of usefulness when studying the crisis from a broader perspective. However, Carltonà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s book might be quite biased as it is very much written from a British perspective. Although both Carltonà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s and Thomasà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s books are British, they present a different view of the Suez Crisis, probably due to the different date of publication of the sources first edition. Although Thomas rewrote some parts of the book in his latest edition, the most substantial parts of his book, are based on sources available when the condemnation of the military action after the crisis made the propaganda turn against the British and French. In Carlton case, he has made an extensive use of materials released in the 80s, which seem to be friendlier towards he British and the French. By taking both sources in account they tell us how the history of the Suez Crisis has been reshaped due to political controversy and propaganda. D. Analysis If the Suez problem possibly could have been solved in a more diplomatic way, British and French prestige during the Cold War would doubtlessly have been more favorably after the crisis. According to the American journalist Donald Neff the Suez Crisis was a hinge point in history as it discredited France and Britain as participators in the Cold War: it strained the Anglo-American alliance, intensified Egyptian nationalism and increased Soviet influences in the region. Along with that, the attention was driven away from the Hungary uprising, for the Soviets advantage, as the shadow of Europe fell over the Suez. Hugh Thomas presents a view in his book The Suez Affair that the French and the British initially were determined to use military force in Egypt. He suggests that they acted in an opportunistic way: Nassers nationalization of the Suez Crisis gave them the opportunity to justify the use of military force. He suggests that the British and the French had strong intentions in the Middle East and to weld as many countries of the area as possible into an anticommunist defense pact. This can to some extent be true, as the Suez Crisis was an event in the Cold War, when the British and French democracies tried to, together with America, contain the expanding Communist bloc. However, other possible interpretations of the Crisis and the British and French intentions contradict this view. The historian Lowe presents evidence of the Omega plan, which suggests that Britain intended to get rid of Nasser by more peaceful means. Other evidence also supports this view. For example Eden, as quoted in section B, wanted to use military power as only a last resort. As we can see from the evidence given, the Americans tried to pursue a more peaceful policy in Suez. The Six Principles, as well as the acceptance of the SCUA, showed signs that the British were approaching a peaceful settlement, on Americas initiative which, perhaps, could have saved them from an international defeat. However, one can argue that these diplomatic negotiations can be seen as prolonging the process in order to convince America to accept the use of military force. They were not real but merely a facade, which covered the militant intentions of Britain and France. The more contemporary view suggests different circumstances drew Eden take the fatal decision to use military force. Eden was faced with unprecedented pressures (). 11. According to Carlton, the conspiracy between France and Israel was not really in the hands of Eden. Eden didnt know with certainty that Israel would attack Egypt.12 The role of France in the Suez Crisis must not be underestimated as she actually, in contrast to Britain, wanted to undermine Arab influences in the Middle East. Hahn and Carlton suggests that France and Britain didnt fully understand that the Americans were going to fear that military action would open Egypt and other Middle East states to Soviet influences, undermining the policy of containment. They didnt calculate with the fact that the Americans were going to choose to, in the first place, pursue containment rather than endorse the allys action. One can argue that if the American standpoint had been clearer for the French and the British, perhaps the course wouldnt have taken the militant direction that it took. E. Conclusion Whether the military action undertaken by the French and the British was really necessary is a mere question of speculation. It is difficult to make a valid judgement on the issue as different sources present different information, which is one of the major difficulties in studying contemporary history and finding its truth. Sources published not a very long time after the Crisis, such as Thomas first edition The Suez Affair indicate that the military action undertaken by the British and the French was inevitable: the countries were highly determined to use force against Egypt. More recent materials about the Suez Crisis, presented by historians such as Lowe and Carlton, suggest that Britain and France could have solved the Suez Crisis with more peaceful means. However, it is most likely that the British and French response to the nationalization of the Suez Canal will remain an issue of controversy among the historians for the nearest future. F. List of sources Robbins, Keith, The eclipse of Great power, Modern Britain 1870 1975, Longman, New Work, U.S, 1983 Eden, Anthony, Memoirs: Full Circle, Book three: Suez, Cassell Company Ltd, London, 1960 Carlton, David, Britain and the Suez Crisis, Basil Backwell, Northern Ireland, 1968 Calhoun, Daniel F. , Hungary and Suez, 1956: An exploration of who makes history, University Press of America, United States of America, 1991 Thomas, Hugh, The Suez Affair, Wiedenfeld Nicolson Limited, London, 1967 Hahn, Peter L., The United States, Great Britain and Egypt, 1945-1956 Strategy and Diplomacy in the early Cold War, The University of North Carolina Press, United States of America, 1991 Bowne, Colin and Mooney, Peter J., Cold War to Dà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½tente 1945-85, Second Edition, Heinemann Educational Books, printed by Richard Clay Ltd in Great Britain 198i Calvacocoressi, Peter, World politics since 1945, sixth edition: The Arabs and Israel to the Suez War, Longman, New York, 1991 Cornwell, R.D, World History in the twentieth century, Longman, England, 1984 Lowe, Norman, Mastering Modern World History, Third Edition, Macmillian Master Series, Biddles Ltd, Britain, 1997 Gildea, Robert, France since 194, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996. Appendix The Six Principles: 1. There should be free and open transit through the Canal without discrimination, overt or covert. 2. The sovereignty of Egypt should be respected. 3. The operation of the Canal should be insulated from the politics of any country. 4. The manner of fixing tolls and charges should be decided by agreements between Egypt and the users. 5. Unresolved disputes between the Suez Canal Company and Egypt should be settles by arbitration. 1 Hugh Thomas, The Suez Affair, page 39 2 Ibid., page 41 3 Norman Lowe, Mastering Modern World History, page 230 4 David Carlton, Britain and the Suez Crisis, page 50 5 Hugh Thomas, The Suez Affair, page 40 6 Peter L. Hahn, The United States, Great Britain, and Egypt, 1945-1956, page 211 7 David Carlton, Britain and the Suez Crisis, page 52 8 Keith Robbins, The Eclipse of a Great Power, page 195 9 Hugh Thomas, The Suez Affair, page 7 10 David Carlton, Britain and The Suez Crisis, General Editors Preface 11 David Carlton, Britain and the Suez Crisis, page 109 12 Ibid., page 63
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