Wednesday, August 26, 2020
New Military Interrogation Rules Essay Example for Free
New Military Interrogation Rules Essay The film â€Å"In the Name of the Father†had been founded on events that happen even, all things considered. The film gave us a nearby look on how our equity framework could be controlled so as to suit the desires of specific individuals. The film demonstrated blameless individuals being indicted and charged for the violations they have done. The way that those liable of the violations admitted their bad behaviors didn't upset the police from rebuffing the honest individuals. The film indicated how unjustifiable the British arrangement of Justice is. It demonstrated how the police utilized their situations so as to legitimize their severity. They have even made it a point to utilize ruthlessness so as to cause blameless individuals to admit of the wrongdoings they have not made similarly as can be seen on one piece of the film wherein Gerry had been beaten by the police so as to compose a bogus admission of the transgression he didn't make. Another irritating part on the film had been the way that his dad had been charged as an accessory and accordingly he had likewise been taken into jail where he kicked the bucket. The very actuality that his guiltless dad had been made into a crook and had kicked the bucket in jail flame broiled Gerry a ton and along these lines he gave it his best shot so as to demonstrate his dad innocence just as his own, in this manner the title â€Å"In the Name of the Father†. Denying their detainees food, and beating them into pulps can be seen on most piece of the film and the police didn't stop their mercilessness until the detainees admitted for the wrongdoings they have done. Canines are treated in preferable manners over the detainee had been treated by the police in the film. The things the police did conflicts with the rule of what equity should resemble. Truth be told, the ruthlessness didn't stopped when the genuine wrongdoing wrongdoer conceded his transgression. The police secured the happenings for so long until a legal advisor came and intruded with their undertakings. Obviously, the shamefulness of the equity framework isn't as terrible as it used to however it doesn't really imply that the injustice of the equity framework is not, at this point present on our general public starting today. Being compelled to sign a bogus confirmation by utilizing police mercilessness just as including the suspect’s family on his difficulty is as yet happening today. I mean there are the individuals who are denounced as hoodlums and their family endures nearly a similar degree of torment the suspect’s endure essentially on the grounds that they are identified with the suspect. There are even occasions that even those individuals near you are additionally blamed for as associate despite the fact that the police don't have any adequate confirmations. In many cases, we are bamboozled into believing that the individuals who are in power is getting things done for the benefit of all without understanding the way that they have been getting things done to guarantee no one’s great yet their own. There are sure standards on the cross examination strategies that are legitimate to utilize these days however it doesn't prevent a few people from mishandling their capacity and as yet going on with the cross examination strategies being denied by the law. We should remember that some cross examination strategies are not permitted these days. Notwithstanding, they despite everything occur. There are numerous cases being accounted for about police severity which requires improvement in any case, no such enhancements ever happen in light of the fact that police ruthlessness is still exceptionally basic as yet in time. The subjects of these maltreatment are for the most part destitute individuals since they don't have the methods important to interest for equity and accordingly their voices are only here and there heard. Blameless individuals are being sentenced for violations which they know nothing about. We all ought to recognize the way that specific cross examination strategies are prohibited by the administration since they are vile and it conflicts with the standard of human rights. Kantian morals would disclose to us that every human should be treated with deference and not just as an unfortunate chore. In any event, utilizing its enemy of proposition, utilitarianism, police brutalities would in any case not be supported since it conflicts with the standard of most prominent useful for the best number of individuals since just the individuals who hold force could profit by the spoiled way the administration works and in this manner it could prompt the aggravation of the harmony inside a general public. In any case, these doesn't prevent a few people in power from defying the law and this could go on everlastingly except if the populace chooses to take care of business. Reference: CBS News. (2004). New Military Interrogation Rules [Electronic Version]. Utilization Of Aggressive Tactics Barred; 300 Iraqis Released From Abu Ghraib. Recovered May 21, 2007 from http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2004/05/15/iraq/main617654. shtml. Sheridan, J. , George, T. (Essayist) (1993). In the Name of the Father. In L. OConnor, G. Byrne T. George (Producer).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Memoirs of a student in manila free essay sample
At the point when I had not yet observed different streams aside from the waterway of my town, crystalline and gay in its twisting course, concealed by mumbling bamboo forests; when my reality was just encompassed by the pale blue heaps of my region and the white surface of the lake that I recognized from after through certain remnants, shining like a mirror and loaded up with elegant sails, I like stories without question and I accepted with my entire being everything the books contained, persuaded that what was printed should perforce be reality. Furthermore, why not, since my folks, who rebuffed me for the littlest falsehood, unequivocally appreciated me to take care of my books, to peruse them perseveringly and get them. My first recognition concerning letters returns to my most punctual age. I should be little yet on the grounds that when they cleaned the floor of our home with banana leaves, I would at present fall slipping on the sparkly surface as did the little talented skaters on ice. We will compose a custom exposition test on Journals of an understudy in manila or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It was as yet hard for me to move up a seat, I went down the steps bit by bit, clutching each baluster, and in our home as in the entire town, oil was obscure, or had I seen until that time any quinque, (34) nor had any carriage at any point went through the avenues of my town that I accepted to be the summum(35) of delight and activity. One night, when everyone at home was at that point snoozing, when all the lights in the globes (36) had just been put out by passing them over by methods for a bended tin tube which appeared to me the most choice and awesome toy on the planet, I don’t know why my mom and I had remained viewing close to the main light that in every single Philippine house consumed throughout the night, and that went out definitely at sunrise waking the individuals with its lively murmuring. My mom at that point was as yet youthful. After a shower her hair which she let down to dry, hauled a large portion of a handbreadth on the floor, by which reason she hitched its end. She instructed me to peruse in Amigo de los Ninos, an uncommon book, an old version, which had lost its spread and which an enterprising sister of mine had secured again by sticking on its back a thick blue paper, the leftover of the wrapper of an electrical jolt. My mom without a doubt irritated at hearing me read sadly, for, as I didn’t get Spanish, I was unable to offer significance to the expressions, removed the book from me. In the wake of reproving me for the drawings I had made on its pages, with legs and arms expanded like a cross, she started to peruse requesting that I follow her model. My mom, when she cold despite everything see, read well overall, discussed, and realized how to make sections. How often during Christmas excursion subsequently, she amended my sonnets, mentioning adept objective facts. I tuned in to her brimming with immature profound respect. Wondering about the straightforwardness with which she made them and at the resonant expressions that she cold get from certain pages that cost me such a great amount of exertion to peruse and that I deciphered haltingly. Maybe my ears before long became weary of hearing sounds that to me amounted to nothing. Maybe because of my characteristic interruption, I focused on the perusing and observed all the more intently the lively fire around which some little moths rippled with perky and lopsided flight, maybe I yawned, be it what it may, the case was that my mom, understanding the little intrigue that I appeared, halted her perusing and said to me: â€Å"I’m going to peruse to you an extremely pretty story; be mindful. †Upon hearing the word story I opened my eyes anticipating another and great one. I took a gander at my mom who leafed through the book as though searching for it, and I prepared to tune in with anxiety and miracle. I didn’t suspect that in that old book that I read without comprehension, there could be stories and pretty stories. My mom started to peruse to me the tale of the youthful and the old moths, making an interpretation of it to me piece by piece into Tagalog. At the principal sections my consideration intensified so that I looked towards the light and fixed my consideration on the moths that shuddered around it. The story couldn't have been progressively perfect. My mom underlined and remarked a lot on the admonitions of the old moth and guided them to me as though to reveal to me that these concerned me. I tuned in to her and what an uncommon wonder the light appeared to me increasingly excellent each time, the fire more brilliant, and I even begrudged instinctually the destiny of those creepy crawlies that played so merrily in its enchanted exhalation. Those that had capitulated were suffocated in the oil; they didn’t alarm me. My mom proceeded with her perusing, I listened restlessly, and the destiny of the two creepy crawlies intrigued me strongly. The light disturbed its brilliant tongue on one side, a scorched moth in one of these developments fell into the oil, applauded its wings for at some point and kicked the bucket. That expected for me that the fire and the moths were moving far away, far, and that my mother’s voice obtained a bizarre, sepulchral timbre. My mom completed the tale. I was not tuning in; all my consideration, all my brain and every one of my contemplations were focused on the destiny of that moth, youthful, dead, brimming with figments. â€Å"You see? †my mom said to me taking me to bed. â€Å"Don’t mirror the youthful moth and don’t be defiant; you’ll get singed like it. †I don’t know whether I answered, guaranteed something, or cried. The main thing I recollect is that it required some investment before I could rest. That story had uncovered to m e tings obscure to me up to that point. To me moths stopped to be unimportant bugs; moths talked and realized how to caution and prompt just as my mom did. The light appeared to be increasingly wonderful, stunning, alluring. I comprehend why moths rippled around lights. Advices and admonitions reverberated weakly in my ears. What distracted me more than anything else was the demise of the indiscreet, yet at the base of my heart, I didn’t accuse it. My mother’s concern didn’t have all the achievement that she trusted it would. No; numerous years have slipped by; the kid has become a man; has furrowed [sailed Zaide] the most well known outside waterways and thought other than their extensive streams. The steamship has taken him over the oceans and all the seas; he has ascended the locale of unending snow on mountains particularly higher than the Makiling of his territory. For a fact he has gotten unpleasant exercises, goodness, vastly more than the sweet exercise that his mom gave him, and all things considered the man saves the core of a youngster and he accepts that light is the most lovely thing there is in creation and that it is commendable for a man to forfeit his life for it.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Summer Internship at the U.S. Treasury COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Summer Internship at the U.S. Treasury COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog I just returned from DC to NYC and from a great summer at the Department of the U.S. Treasury. Working as an International Economist Graduate Intern in the Office of South and Southeast Asia was a great opportunity to work with intelligent and smart professionals. My previous professional experience has been in the private sector and therefore gaining the understanding of how the government works was a valuable experience. The Treasury is the official source for the White House to receive advice on domestic and international economics, finance and budget related issues. This summer, approximately 165 interns from colleges and universities across the country contributed their time and expertise in a variety of roles throughout the Treasury Department, working in the offices of International Affairs, Economic Policy, Domestic Finance, and more. It is great to know that my analysis of macroeconomic trends, briefings about financial markets, country and systemic risks in South and Southeast Asia supported senior officials with policy making for the United States at home and abroad. I was assisting the desk economists of India, Indonesia and Myanmar. It was a very busy summer, especially after the Fed’s announcement of potential “taperingâ€. The markets experienced a great sell off and funds outflow from the emerging and frontier markets in the South and Southeast Asia. Specifically, India and Indonesia suffered a great weakening of their currencies, a widening of the BOP deficit, and a slow-down in the growth rate. These market movements required our office to determine the overall risk of these affected countries to the world economy in general and to the United States in specific. The active markets helped me to get involved in many great projects with quick turn-around times and therefore get lots of valuable hands on experience. One of the highlights was that we got to meet and take a group picture with Treasury Secretary, Jacob Lew. During an internal event we also had the chance to see the Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. I highly recommend the U.S. Treasury as a place to do a summer internship and get practical experience to contribute to significant and meaningful work. Best of all is that this internship confirmed my interest to pursue a career in country/sovereign risk analysis. Still left to determine is if it will be the private or the public sector. DC was also a great city to explorer after work and over the weekends. Happy hours and cultural events are very popular and a great way to connect with other interns and Washingtonians. DC is different than NYC and therefore great to spend some time there. I enjoyed the city a lot and made many great new friends as well as deepened my network with existing SIPA colleagues and Alumni, who also got to spend the summer in our capital. The U.S. Treasury (main building), main entrance The National Mall and the U.S. Treasury (Main building) to the right Andreas Maerki is a MPA degree candidate who joined us this spring as a J-termer and will graduate in 2014. He is concentrating in International Finance and Economic Policy (IFEP) at SIPA.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Effects of Gun Control - 1158 Words
There are thousands of people that own guns in the United States. People have owned guns for the entire duration of American history. Even pre-dating the formation of the country, there were the Massachusetts minutemen who owned their own firearms and used them to defend themselves against oppression. Many lawmakers now want to go against these principles of allowing gun ownership for civilians (Dreier 92). They want to challenge the freedoms that have built the United States into the nation that it is today. They want to challenge the freedoms that Americans are specifically promised in the second amendment of the Constitution. All lawmakers need to stop consider the effects that will come into play with the creation of gun control laws.†¦show more content†¦This is a freedom that has been granted to all citizens ever since the Constitution was ratified in the late 18th century, and there is no reason that such a freedom should be taken from the people whose fathers helped to build this country up from the ground. To take such laws from the people that help to run the democracy that currently runs the United States could be taken in no other way than a movement towards socialist policies and eventually down the path that so many countries have strayed before towards becoming a nation that cannot breathe without the consent of a higher authority. These are not the fundamental theories on which our government is based. The French political philosopher, Montesquieu, said in his thoughts on how a government should be run, says that, â€Å"one man need not be afraid of another.†This thought has driven the way that Americans have run their governmental system for over two hundered years. Needless to say that all Americans have earned the right to bear the firearms that so many now own and handle on a daily basis. They have earned it through their willingness to preserve freedom in their own country and even keep those in different parts of the world from falling under the oppressive hands that may lie on international soils. The American spirit is feuled by the trust invested into the government by the people, and if the people begin to suspect that this trust is being compromised because of some infringement of rights,Show MoreRelatedGuns And Their Effect On Gun Control962 Words  | 4 PagesGuns and the ability to use them have been under attack in the United States and many other places throughout the World. There are groups of people that believe that as long as we have the right to bear arms that many unprotected people will lose their lives due to gun violence. There are many trends that come with gun violence and where these mass shooting occur, but a main one is that when a place legally prohibits carrying a weapon then that is where the most gun violence happens. Where guns areRead MoreThe Ultimate Effect Of Gun Control994 Words  | 4 Pages Gun control has become an ever growing topic that has taken both opinionated and debated standpoints throughout various places such as courtrooms, widespread media influence and even discussions at a dinner table. Gun control can be defined as; laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms. The underlying question is what is the ultimate effect of gun control? Does it reduce the amount of crimes that occur? Or does the increase in regulationRead MoreCause And Effect Of Gun Control1384 Words  | 6 PagesThere are an abundance of causes and effects in the way guns are used, purchased, and sold – legally or illegally. A few causes include how guns are kept (with a safety and locked away or not), and in the way guns are obtained. The effects of these acts are, peoples state of mind, and the criticisms law enforcement may receive. Thought of as technical and firm, the laws about guns can easily be bypassed by crimin als and people who are not in the right frame of mind. In the legal and illegal use ofRead MoreThe Effects Of The Weapons Effect On Gun Control934 Words  | 4 PagesHow does aggression relate to gun ownership/use? Does aggression actually have an effect on gun control? There have been many studies done that says it does. But, the question is, does everyone with a gun have to take it out with their aggression. Not everyone does take it out but there is a great amount of people that actually do. I am going to talk about the studies that have been done and how they impact society. Currently, in the United States we have a lot of violence going on. Is it becauseRead MoreThe Effects Of Gun Control On America Essay1492 Words  | 6 PagesThe Effect of Gun Control on America Guns have been prevalent in the United State’s culture for hundreds of years. Firearms have been, and still are being used for hunting, protection and even sport. In fact, if it was not for the help of firearms, we would not be graced with the many freedoms we have today. Currently, owning and obtaining a firearm is a controversial topic that sparks heavy emotions. Many people argue for eliminating all guns, and applying heavier regulations to prevent tragicRead MoreNegative Effects Of Gun Control954 Words  | 4 PagesNegative Effects of Gun Control The recent terrorist situations in America could have turned out differently if the victims had been armed. There have been too many terrorist situations lately in America. Many people who are not in favor of gun rights want to make it more difficult or even impossible for citizens to purchase weapons. When stricter gun control is enforced, then citizens may not be able to protect themselves. We need to find a way to prevent gun related tragedies, but that doesRead MoreGun Control And Its Effect On The Country1310 Words  | 6 Pagesbut guns are the instrument of death. Gun control is necessary, and delay means more death and horror†(BrainyQuote, n.d.). Many people say that gun control will not affect violence rates in a country. Also, they say that if everyone has a gun, then that will stop mass massacres. The people who believe that gun control is not needed are wrong. This is because gun control has been proven to improve the safety of a country. For example, In Aust ralia and Britain reduced violence caused by guns by puttingRead MoreGun Control And Its Effect On Acquiring Firearms1623 Words  | 7 PagesNSW, therefore leading to an increase in guns, cause a reduction in crime? Gun control and restrictions on acquiring firearms has been a topic that has been disputed heavily in NSW since the 1980s. Similar to various other nations, Australia has seen a number of high profile shootings, resulting in a tightening of gun control laws. One may believe by instinct that relaxing current restrictions on acquiring firearms would lead to more crime, as more guns are readily available. This paper will exploreRead MoreThe Effects Of Gun Control On The United States Essay1742 Words  | 7 PagesGun control has become a very important topic within the United States after the past couple of months. There have been many issues that have occurred to make people think that banning guns is something we need to invest in, even though that just would not be the greatest option. There are many parts to winning a debate on gun control. One always needs to be sure to view both sides of the issue, look at the causes and the effects of the issue, and being sure one has enough f acts and statistics toRead MoreThe Effects Of Gun Control On The United States892 Words  | 4 Pagesthat gun ownership in the United States stays significantly higher per capita as compared to any other developed nation. Lastly, statistics from these tragedies evidenced that most of the weapons used are legally obtained, high volume weapons. It remains clear that as a country we cannot stay at the top in gun-ownership, and consequently have mass shootings decrease. We must examine ways that regulating gun ownership can prevent tragedies. Ever since the second amendment subsist into effect, entitled
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Family Analysis Project Essay - 1478 Words
Running head: N3352 LEGACY OF THE FAMILY N3352 Legacy of the Family: Family Analysis Project The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing In partial fulfillment of the requirements of N3352 Legacy of the Family Online RN-BSN Introduction The content of this paper is to thoroughly analyze the relationships and functionality of the family chosen to be studied and assessed. By assessing, incorporating the lessons taught throughout the past five weeks in this class and inter-relating the family’s sociocultural background, communication patterns, physical environment setting, values and beliefs, power and role structure, communication patterns, adaptation and level of development as well as their†¦show more content†¦Both the sons have also a relationship with a significant other which Jane is nice amenable to it so as long as marriage is not yet involved. Values: Norms and Rules Though her sons are over the age of 21, Jane sets rigid house rules, curfew times to her children and imposes a great deal of disciplinary actions when disobeyed. They practiced the traditional Chinese culture wherein the eldest or the head of the household has the final say in everything that goes on. Her sons follows her rules with no questions asked. It can be inferred that she is domineering and wants control of her sons even if they are on their way to seek independence and live their life on their own. She wants a say in every aspect or decision that her sons will make and she actually can be defined as overprotective stage mother. Spiritual Activities All of the members in this family, given the fact that they are all born and raised in a third-world, Buddhist dominant country, guards religion as a major part of their daily lives. Jane, the mother and head of household, goes to the temple every single day in the morning and also is part of the volunteers and helper every weekend on Sundays. This has been their family tradition since even when they lived in Chinese and even after migrating to a first world country, they still carried on and continued their religious practices here in the United States. Socialization: Child Rearing Practices; Intrafamily Support/Social Network;Show MoreRelatedEssay on Family Analysis Project951 Words  | 4 PagesFamily Analysis Project Introduction I selected the family of A.G which is based on personal acquaintance for this project. I will complete a comprehensive analysis using the criteria that I will be describing in details in the proceeding paragraphs. 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Introduction Stakeholder analysis is important for successful implementation of projects and/or strategic activities within any organisation. It is used to analyse the stakeholders in order to understand them and classify them according to their power, influence and interest. Stakeholders are people who have an interest in a commercial entity including
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Western Art Exhibition Critique Free Essays
The show â€Å"Renoir in the 20th Century†is a group art exhibit of the French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir and his friends, held at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), exhibiting from February 14 to May 9, 2010. The paintings on exhibit are the works Renoir finished in the last 30 years of his life, included in the 6,000 art pieces he finished throughout his entire career. The gallery literature lists his displayed work as â€Å"decorative, classical, and a highly personal interpretation of the Grand Tradition. We will write a custom essay sample on Western Art Exhibition Critique or any similar topic only for you Order Now The artists that Renoir influenced throughout his life and are also on display at the LACMA with their paintings, drawings and sculptures are Picasso, Matisse, Maillol and Bonnard. The art works in the public display by Renoir consist of women, children and family members with only a few self-portraits. No landscape or still life is evident in this show, as in his earlier Impressionism shows. But what makes it important is that the art work is good, as compared to years of negative art reviews by critics, who have turned their backs on this notable artist in his later years. Painting until he died in 1919, Renoir was an unpretentious and very humble artist, even though he always wanted to be the best at what he did. He had become well-established during the Impressionism years because of his talent and this attitude. However, his successful art period was quickly followed by years of wondering if he could ever paint again. I’m starting to know how to paint. It has taken me over fifty years’ work to get this far and it’s not finished yet,†declared the artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) in 1913, at a time when a major exhibition of his work, including the large nudes painted at the turn of the twentieth century, was in the show at the Bernheim Jeune gallery in Paris. When Renoir followed other artists, such as Monet, into Impressionism it w as considered by the art world as a huge movement away from Realism – the historical work of past artists that almost appeared to imitate life. The year 1869 had brought a new style of art called Impressionism into the world, developed by artists Renoir and Monet. At the beginning of the art movement, the works of both artists were so much alike it was as if their still life and landscape art blended together into one joyful union with colors to match the feelings. Using unmixed primary colors, the work had a look about it unlike any other. The dark earthy tones and heavy dedicated brush strokes of the previous masters were gone. By 1880, Renoir had begun to move away from Impressionism even though he was highly sought for his unique colors and rainbow palette style, especially in his nudes and body forms. However, deep inside he felt he had â€Å"wrung Impressionism dry. †These feelings are because his work of the human form had always been more traditional than other artists of the Impressionism group, and he was feeling as if it was pulling him away from what he felt was right for him. Renoir’s return from an Italy trip in 1982 left him doubting Impressionism even more, with his work changing so much that critics, patrons and other artists felt he was going downhill with his art ability. At this time, late Renoir artwork was beginning to be considered bad Renoir work. Showing with the Impressionists, the painter [Renoir] is reported to have lamented to a dealer, â€Å"I’ve come to the conclusion that I can neither paint nor draw. †Looking at the show one is inclined to mumble, â€Å"Indeed. Renoir eventually left Impressionism, returning to the full-bodied female nude and children he enjoyed doing, instead of landscape and outdoors. After studying in Italy, he discovered the importance of drawing prior to painting. According to the art exhibit literature, the work of Gabriel and Jean that Renoir painted in 1895, a painting of his infant son and nanny, demonstrated this fact. Prior to its painting, he worked on preparatory drawings of the pain ting before he started. This was difficult He had become so mesmerized with the child’s infant gown he spent hours on the painting, while quickly painting over the face of Gabrielle whom he really did not want to paint, refusing her several times prior to this. â€Å"He [Jean] said that in his father’s paintings, everyone looked as if they were brothers and sisters. We are all Renoir’s children in the paintings,†Jean Renoir said. †Severely in pain with rheumatoid arthritis, his hands became completely gnarled and he became wheelchair-bound. In as much pain as he was, he still painted for years. Paintings like Jean as a Huntsman shows a full-length portrait of his son, Jean, referred to as a modern â€Å"Blue Boy. †The work appears as a work of the old masters, with the gallery listings describing it as similar to the work of Spanish artist Diego Velazquez, which exemplified Renoir’s work with â€Å"great art of the past†– with Jean posing for several months while his father painted under extreme pain throughout the process. According to the LACMA literature for the show, the painting remained with Renoir until his death, and then was given to LACMA by Renoir’s son, Jean, in 1979. Subject matter of his final years were nudes, girls at a piano, children with their nannies – turning his back on his Impressionism style he had been so involved with earlier in his life. The light brush strokes disappeared, with Renoir returning to the style of the old masters such as Rubens. With hands appearing as old tree stumps, he had mastered the use of color and brush strokes toward his final years. To paint, he wrapped fabric around his gnarled fingers while clamping a paintbrush between the thumb and first of his right hand, appearing gaunt and emaciated. But he still painted for hours because if he quit, the pain may actually destroy him. The art display â€Å"Renoir in the 20th Century†Los Angeles County Museum of Art demonstrates how far Renoir had come artistically toward the end of his life. Instead of â€Å"Bad Renoir art†in his later years, it was the best he had ever done with a glowing to his skin tone other artists could not compete with. Becoming more and more of an art master who was dedicated to his work helped him overcome his physical pain. Through this, he worked to re-develop and refine the traditional forms and methods into an exquisite art form he had always preferred. Nowhere is this success more apparent than in the art exhibit of Renoir and his friends. How to cite Western Art Exhibition Critique, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Expanding and Sustaining Integrated Health Care
Question: Discuss about the Expanding and Sustaining Integrated Health Care. Answer: Introduction Diabetes is a complex class of disease caused by a variety of reasons. Individuals suffering from diabetes are characterized by a high blood sugar caused by low insulin or in the body cells do not utilize the available insulin. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 250 million people suffer from diabetes globally. The disease is estimated to be among the top fifty causes of death by 2025 worldwide. Three common of diabetes are common. They include type 1 and type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Diabetes poses a major challenge in the health sector, these calls for effective leadership on public health issues in order to help curb the disease. In this case, the essay will discuss the effective leadership and the leadership strategies that can be used to address diabetes as a public health issue. Overview of Diabetes Diabetes is a medical condition whereby the human body does not process food as required for functions such as energy. In normal body processes, the food that we consume is converted into sugar or glucose so that the body can use it for energy. With the help of the insulin produced by the pancreas, the glucose is absorbed into the body cells. When a person is suffering from diabetes, their body does not either produce enough insulin or is not capable of using its own insulin as it is required. As a result, sugar levels increase in the blood system thus the rise of the common term sugar that is used to refer to diabetes. The disease can trigger certain health problems such as heart disease, kidney failure, amputations, neuropathy and even blindness. There are various types of diabetes such as type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2014). Diabetes has become a worldwide epidemic and it has the potential to cause a global healthcare crisis. It has been established that the disease is currently affecting about 371 million people all over the world and it is growing more aggressively than anticipated. In Australia for instance, a report released in 2013 said that approximately 1.5 million people were suffering from diabetes among whom half of them were not aware that they were diabetic. The annual healthcare bill that rises from diabetes and its associated health complications is approximate $ 14.6 billion, a figure that is rapidly sky-rocketing (Amos, McCarty Zimmet, 2012). Leaders all over the world are putting effort into advocating for measures that will help control the catastrophic epidemic and eliminate the huge diabetes death toll. These efforts are however being deterred by a couple of problems. Leadership Issues and Challenges To begin with, leaders are faced with the challenge of some of the diabetic patients failure to adhere to the self-care medication process prescribed to them by the clinicians such as insulin injections and keeping their blood glucose levels in check using self-monitoring devices (Basu, Yoffe, Hills Lustig, 2013). This could be attributed to factors such as pain, which could be physical and psychological, expensive medication costs, patients unstable emotional state and their assumptions of the side effects and the intrusions and inconveniences that the medications are likely to cause in their daily lives. Some patients use reasons for non-adherence such as being too occupied or being publicly embarrassed to use the insulin. For instance, school-going children with type 1 diabetes could feel stigmatized by other students for taking insulin injections in the afternoon and this could make them skip such doses. Patients also find it as an economic burden because adhering to the medical advice is a financial constraint (Brugha, Zwi, 2013). Therefore, nurses and doctors should educate their patients on the importance of adhering to medication in order to minimize death. The other challenge lies with the healthcare providers who also lack the required adherence in administering and recommending the required glycemic control to patients. For instance, in India, insulin is not introduced to diabetic patients during the early stages of diabetes and this is evidence enough that lack of timely intervention worsens the glycemic control. (Zimmet, Magliano, Herman Shaw 2014). Leaders are constantly advocating for timely administration and initiation of proper therapies that help in facilitating glycemic control and delay the kicking in of the diabetic related complications and eventually improve the patients quality of life. These efforts are however being challenged by the physician's lack of adherence to proper medical administration (Chan, DeMelo, GingrasGucciardi, 2015). In this case, healthcare providers should undergo some form of training where they are taught on the mechanisms of controlling the disease at an early stage. Further, there is limited awareness about diabetes and its complications. A significant portion of the general public lacks the knowledge that the disease is caused by the current lifestyles risk factors, particularly the poor and unhealthy diet, obesity and lack of physical exercise. The majority of the diabetic patients do not know that appropriate glycemic control helps to minimize the risk of suffering from the health complications associated with diabetes. Leaders find it challenging to keep the epidemic under control while most people are ignorant about the disease (Chin, Goddu, Ferguson Peek, 2014). Therefore, public awareness on diabetes should be instituted so that it can be detected and controlled at an early stage. In addition, the leaders are faced with the challenge of lack of coordination in the primary prevention against diabetes efforts. People are not ready to modify their lifestyles in a manner that will help them avoid the diabetes risk factors. Sticking to a healthy diet and avoiding fast foods that have high levels of calories seems to be a major challenge to people. Also, most individuals find it challenging to adhere to a physical activity routine with the discipline and commitment it requires (Jack, 2016). Leadership Issues in Public Health In the general public healthcare system, various issues are encountered by leaders as they strive in their advocacy for better healthcare. First, there is limited funding for the leaders to carry out effective leadership strategies and advocate for better health measures. They lack the necessary finances to solve community health challenges, to educate and empower the people on matters concerning health issues, to enforce policies and regulations that protect the peoples health and ensure medical safety and to mobilize the diverse partnerships in identifying and solving health problems. All these responsibilities require funding which is not sufficient for leaders (Gallagher LeRoith, 2015). Also, there is limited research and development being carried out on the effective methods of interventions in addressing public health issues. It is pertinent that thorough research is carried out so as to develop new insights and formulate innovative solutions to the prevalent health problems. This is not the case however since there are insufficient epidemiology studies being done to address these issues. The leaders find it difficult to carry out their roles in advocating for appropriate measures to tackle various public health issues while they are not well-equipped with information that could be of great help to the public (Rowitz, 2013). Furthermore, leaders are faced with the challenges of lack of preparedness in the event of a potential public health crisis. Health disasters catch them unawares with several surprise and uncertainty factors. Sometimes, a leader can be incapacitated by grief or fear and this would greatly impair the leaders executive and advocacy functions. A public health leader could have their ability to lead compromised during the response to a health crisis. People in positions of leadership should strengthen their emotional intelligence so as to cope with health disasters (Herman, 2014). In this case, it is important for leaders to be at an alert for public health crisis so as to help curb the disease at early stages. Another challenge is the organizational problems in the case of a health crisis. The overall organization response to a public health disaster depends on the leaders ability to effectively operate and mobilize the organization. An organization poses various challenges to a public healthcare leader in that it requires simultaneous coordination of its many elements such as the emergency services, the hospitals, and the first respondents care providers. Another problem is that a leader has to organize their strategies in a manner that integrates a response to the public health crisis (Kalra, 2016). In addressing these challenges, it is important to engage the community in the action on public health care issues. Leaders should come up with community based forums that respond to the challenges in health by developing a positive attitude in addressing public health issues like diabetes. in addition, leaders should come up with diabetic based groups that will help individuals make critical decisions regarding their health. Therefore, through the support of leaders, diabetics will be able to achieve a healthy lifestyle which is the first step to better future. Leadership Strategies in Addressing Diabetes As an individual, I would use leadership and advocacy strategies to address the issue of diabetes prevalence. The social media would be an effective platform to reach out to a greater audience. First and foremost, I would advocate for constant monitoring of a persons health which will enhance early detection in case of silent or undiagnosed diabetes. I would encourage the people to participate in risk assessment tests and constant screening that would detect the onset of diabetes. In the case of an early detection, I would highly advise the diagnosed persons to take the necessary medical precautionary measures to delay the kicking in of the diabetic related complications or prevent them all together. This referral to clinical assessment would help in improving the quality of life of the people with diabetes since there would be effective management of the disease that would, in turn, reduce the risk of possible complications and mortality. If any complications arise, their progress c an be monitored and slowed down upon consulting a medical practitioner (Schwarz Riemenschneider, 2016). Moreover, I would advocate on behalf of the stigmatized diabetic patients that people would refrain from discriminating against them and creating a social stigma around diabetes. This would help put an end to the secretive culture of diabetes that creates a barrier to proper self-care medication in public and accessing medical assistance. It would also boost the diabetic patients self-confidence in participating in societys activities and going about their work-related activities (Liu et al. 2017) In addition, I would advocate for lifestyle behavior change because the current lifestyle is a risk factor for diabetes. Changing of diet and sticking to a nutritious healthy diet plan, engaging in frequent physical activities so as to reduce weight and avoid obesity would greatly help in reducing the risk of suffering from diabetes. I would assess and identify the individuals that are at the greatest risk of suffering from diabetes using non-clinical assessment tests and refer them to lifestyle behavior change programs and to a clinical setting to assess whether they are at a risk of getting diabetes (Schabert, Browne, Mosely Speight, 2013). Challenges in Addressing Diabetes In my leadership and advocating strategies, I would probably encounter certain challenges. For instance, medical facilities are not accessible to a significant proportion of people who are at a high risk of suffering from diabetes. This could be due to financial constraints. As a result, these people cannot monitor their health to make early detections of diabetes and take the appropriate measures to reduce the risk of developing diabetic related complications. The patients diagnosed with diabetes can neither access medical care nor be in a position to conduct self-care medication to treat the disease (Wright, Rowitz, Merkle, Reid, Robinson, Herzog Baker, 2012). To solve this, I would advocate the government to ensure that the diabetes screening and detection programs are made affordable and accessible to everybody. In addition, I would request the government to establish innovative strategies of funding the diabetes prevention and treatment program by ensuring that the personal and employees compensation insurance schemes are regarded as co-funding sources (Kaldor, Magnusson Colagiuri, 2015). While calling for lifestyle behavior changes, there are some possible barriers that I would encounter. The vigorous marketing and promotion strategies for unhealthy foods would pose a challenge to my efforts. To solve this challenge, I would campaign for proper food labeling disclosing all the contents and health hazards of any food by the marketers and this would empower the people in making healthier choices as they purchase their food. Pertaining to physical activity, the advancing technology pauses a challenge in that it makes transport easier and people do not get to exercise while walking. For instance, uber services and electric trains discourage people from walking or cycling over very short distances. To solve this, I would make an appeal to the workplace managers to discourage sedentary employees who cannot walk up a flight of stairs but have to wait for an elevator or take an escalator. I would request them to modify their workplace designs or deter the regular use of elev ators and escalators so that employees can get to exercise as they take the stairs and consequently reduce the risk of diabetes (Guariguata et al. 2014). Conclusion The incidences of diabetes are increasing in both developed and developing countries due to the prevalence of obesity which is brought about by consumption of an unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. Leaders have continuously and tirelessly advocated for prevention measures against the global epidemic and although their efforts have been deterred by various challenges and barriers there is a need for everybody to engage in wise lifestyle behavior. There is also the need to avoid stigmatizing diabetic patients who should, in turn, adhere to their self-care medication as prescribed to them by the physicians. This will help in the glycemic control which delays the onset of health complications or reduces their progress where they have already developed. Each and every person should strive in improving their quality of life whether they are already suffering from diabetes or not. References American Diabetes Association. (2014). Standards of medical care in diabetes2014.Diabetes care,37(Supplement 1), S14-S80. Amos, A. F., McCarty, D. J., Zimmet, P. (2012). The rising global burden of diabetes and its complications: estimates and projections to the year 2010.Diabetic medicine,14(S5). Basu, S., Yoffe, P., Hills, N., Lustig, R. H. (2013). The relationship of sugar to population-level diabetes prevalence: an econometric analysis of repeated cross-sectional data.PloS one,8(2), e57873. Brugha, R., Zwi, A. (2013). Improving the quality of private sector delivery of public health services: challenges and strategies.Health policy and planning,13(2), 107-120. Chan, J., DeMelo, M., Gingras, J., Gucciardi, E. (2015). Challenges of diabetes self-management in adults affected by food insecurity in a large Urban Centre of Ontario, Canada.International journal of endocrinology,2015. Chin, M. H., Goddu, A. P., Ferguson, M. J., Peek, M. E. (2014). Expanding and sustaining integrated health careCommunity efforts to reduce diabetes disparities.Health promotion practice,15(2_suppl), 29S-39S. Dagogo-Jack, S. (2016). 2015 Presidential Address: 75 Years of Battling Diabetes Our Global Challenge.Diabetes care,39(1), 3-9. Gallagher, E. J., LeRoith, D. (2015). Obesity and diabetes: the increased risk of cancer and cancer-related mortality.Physiological reviews,95(3), 727-748. Guariguata, L., Whiting, D. R., Hambleton, I., Beagley, J., Linnenkamp, U., Shaw, J. E. (2014). Global estimates of diabetes prevalence for 2013 and projections for 2035.Diabetes research and clinical practice,103(2), 137-149. Herman, R. (2014). The Emotional Intelligence Approach for Enhancing Skills in Leadership.Manager, (19), 38. Kaldor, J. C., Magnusson, R. S., Colagiuri, S. (2015). Government action on diabetes prevention: time to try something new.Med J Aust,202(11), 578-580. Kalra, S. (2016). Lessons from LEADERAll-round Leadership.EurEndocrinol,12, 76-8. Liu, N. F., Brown, A. S., Younge, M. F., Guzman, S. J., Close, K. L., Wood, R. (2017). Stigma in People with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes.Clinical Diabetes,35(1), 27-34. Peterson, K. A., Brown, M. T., Warren-Boulton, E. (2015). Responding to the challenges of primary diabetes care through the national diabetes education program.Diabetes care,38(3), 343-344. Rowitz, L. (2013).Public health leadership. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Schabert, J., Browne, J. L., Mosely, K., Speight, J. (2013). Social stigma in diabetes.The Patient-Patient-Centered Outcomes Research,6(1), 1-10. Schwarz, P. E., Riemenschneider, H. (2016). Slowing Down the Progression of Type 2 Diabetes: We Need Fair, Innovative, and Disruptive Action on Environmental and Policy Levels!Diabetes Care,39(Supplement 2), S121-S126. Wright, K., Rowitz, L., Merkle, A., Reid, W. M., Robinson, G., Herzog, B., Baker, E. (2012). Competency development in public health leadership.American Journal of Public Health,90(8), 1202. Zimmet, P. Z., Magliano, D. J., Herman, W. H., Shaw, J. E. (2014). Diabetes: a 21st century challenge.The lancet Diabetes endocrinology,2(1), 56-64.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Homelessness free essay sample
Waking up, looking to the left staring at the alarm clock, looking to the right out of the window so the rising sun. Stepping on to the cool crisp tile flooring of the bathroom. Pulling the plastic curtain back to warm up the flowing stream of shower water. Wiping the steam from the mirror to effectively style and prepare for the day. Walking down creaky wooden steps to enter into the kitchen. The sun now peaking through the sunflower curtains; breakfast waiting on the table. The smell of eggs, bacon, and toast permeating through the air. Now imagine instead of the iHome alarm clock it is the cold bitter winter air and the sounds of police sirens breaking the sleep. Instead of cool floor tiles it is ice-cold cement. Instead of a warm relaxing shower it is a leaky faucet. Instead of a clean bathroom mirror it is a scratched, abused, and shattered mirror of a public restroom. We will write a custom essay sample on Homelessness or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Instead of entering the kitchen, entering into the corner store with scrounged up change to get a bag of chips to start the day. Whether it is noticed or not, homelessness is a real problem here in the United States of America. Each month in 2011, an average of 1,595 people access services for homelessness. For the year, the total number of individuals utilizing services was 7,320â€â€a 3 percent increase over 2010. (Knoxville-Knox County Homeless Coalition, 2012) The Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 defines people as homeless when they lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence or when their primary residence is a temporary place for people about to be institutionalized, any place not meant for regular sleeping accommodation by humans, or a supervised temporary shelter. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 is America’s first attempt to combat the plague that was homelessness. The act outlines meaning of homelessness and the federal governments plans and allocations to take it down. (National Coalition for the Homeless)Many people may believe that homelessness is caused by just sheer irresponsibility; however, what many fail to realize is the fact that some historical factors play into long generational spells of homelessness or poverty. Historical events such as the use of morphine during the civil war, to the industrial revolution, and even natural disasters can ruin lives for years to come. The act itself is essential to current homeless crisis and also is within social workers’ responsibilities per the National Association of Social Workers code of ethics. In the preamble, it reads, â€Å"The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well ¬being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. †(National Association of Social Workers, 1999)The purpose of social workers is to help people in need and that is the goal of policies on homelessness. Homelessness has been a persistent and enduring feature in American history. The players may change in the game but the rules still apply. There has always been some form of homelessness in the country. As time periods change the causes of homelessness have changed. For instance, during the colonial times from the 1660’s to the 1770’s the primary homeless were called â€Å"wandering poor†and the primary cause was caused by the recent increase in migration and the land territory skirmishes. Government intervention of the time was to corporally punish the citizens. During the Pre-Industrial Period, 1820–1850, the primary homeless were unemployed men; their reasons were the bumpy business cycle and the lack of stability in jobs in mills, mines, and on docks. The government of this time stepped in by allowing jails to provide overnight lodging or flat out imprisonment. Following the Civil War from 1870 to 1900, this time was known as the â€Å"vagabond†era filled with train hoppers and freed slaves in search of places to live. The cause of this displacement was anywhere from low employment to the number of immigrants entering the country. This time period brought out the Rhode Island Tramps Act of 1880 emulated by nearly every state designed to arrest and convict homeless people. During the Great Depression from the years 1929 to 1940, the bulk of the homeless population was the middle class employees, family’s, and African Americans. Breadlines, soup kitchens, shelters, and shantytowns began to pop up around the country in attempts to help relieve the depression of homelessness of the time. From the year 1980 to the present the homeless population consists of people with alcohol and drug abuse as well as families with children, and single people with high incidence of behavior disabilities. (Leginski, 2007) In the early 1980s, the initial responses to widespread and increasing homelessness were primarily local. Homelessness was viewed by the Reagan Administration as a problem that did not require federal intervention. In 1983, the first federal task force on homelessness was created to provide information to localities on how to obtain surplus federal property; this task force did not address homelessness through policy actions. After bipartisan disputes a reluctant President Ronald Reagan signed it into law on July 22, 1987. On October 30, 2000 President William Clinton renamed the legislation the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act after the death of Representative Bruce Vento, a leading supporter of the act since its original passage in 1987. (National Coalition for the Homeless). The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act uses the key words â€Å"lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence†to describe homeless people and those who would be eligible for the benefits the act provides.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Weve got a job Essays - Counterculture Of The 1960s, Free Essays
We've got a job Essays - Counterculture Of The 1960s, Free Essays We've got a job Chapter six analysis In this chapter leaders had an extremely hard time recruiting people for his protests. In my opinion it is because that they think that they wont benefit anything from these protests. If it was me trying to persuade this people I would first try brainwashing them, by telling them what may happen even though its impossible like "segregation will end, all of you will live a happy equal life". If this still isn't enough to persuade them I would give them money (by the way its not a bribe ) so they could protest. Chapter seven analysis In my opinion the best part of this chapter is when James Bevel tried to motivate the kids in any way possible. As stated in this chapter that he intended it specially for kids. Bevel intended children in this chapter in my opinion for one reason. This reason is that you can persuade kids easily just opposite of adults who would ask questions and find out the truth. He also blamed them which is completely wrong that they are the ones that caused segregation. The immature kids listened to what Bevel said and tried finding ways to end segregation without their parents notice. Chapter 8 analysis When the children left in droves the some teachers were helping them to leave the others were trying to stop them. In comparison to our school if our teachers knew that we were going to do something like this they would lock the doors and leave us locked in the class. If we were going to do something illegal they would directly call the police. While I was analyzing the pictures on page 76 and 77 I got to know by their expressions that that they are completely happy because they think that they are going to end this. Chapter 9 analysis In this chapter in my opinion Arnettas parents have gone crazy. They had seen what happened to their daughter at the m arch and they are willing to drive her again. I wont blame Arnetta because shes not mature enough I blame her parents. Im imagining my parents sending me to death by their own hands this is completely impossible. Washs reaction is impossible how could he attack kids with no weapons even though it is for a specific reason? He could find many other ways like stopping them from going to school or by firing their parents.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Five filsm of Martin Scorsese Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Five filsm of Martin Scorsese - Essay Example Everything in his work, from his narrative construction, editing, how he directs his actors, all the way to his set design, sound, music, is in perfect harmony. (Casillo & Robert, 90) The Age of Innocence, for instance, looked like a doomed project in the beginning. It provoked fears of failure to live up to the solid and worthy but essentially boring literary adaptations of its time. It however became a golden piece of art, film and refinement, alive in all of its being. (LoBrutto & Vincent, 56) He brings out the much-heated issue of violence in the other three films. He seemingly presents it in two ways .One is to refusing to show it, but always locating it just off-screen. He manages to leave us free to exercise our imaginations and experience the horror, in a way that modern Hollywood does not. Second is by making it as explicitly disturbing as it can possibly be that it is impossible for anyone except the advanced criminal to enjoy it. This is Scorseses back then. (Wernblad & Annette, 67) These methods are however not evident in his most recent work. It was however, still possible to enjoy the violence in Taxi Driver, because of our strange relationship to the main character, but for GoodFellas or Casino, it is a different story. A notable characteristic of his soonest films is the distance he establishes between his audience and all his characters. Identification is hardly a component of the films as it if it flickers only sporadically. (Martin & Richard, 45). The roots of this influential director run deep in the film industry. Martin Scorsese received the title â€Å"directing god†from Roger Ebert, a movie critic. A fellow director, George Lucas has termed him the most influential and best director of their
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Sustainability in manufacturing Literature review
Sustainability in manufacturing - Literature review Example Sustainability refers to the power to endure. Sustainability measurement is a term used to denote the size as the quantitative source for the informed administration of sustainability. The metrics that are used for measurements in sustainability evolve as time goes by. These metrics include indicators, audits, benchmarks, certification systems and sustainability standards. The sustainability measures that are widely used in the contemporary society include Triple Bottom Line Accounting and sustainability reporting. In this report, the discussion will mainly touch on sustainability measures in the manufacturing process. In organisations that deal with manufacturing, implementation of sustainable manufacturing is applied because it is a strategy that has many benefits to the organisation at large. There are various reasons as to why sustainability has to be measured in the manufacturing process (International Energy Agency, 2007, 154). These are some of the reasons why sustainability i n manufacturing has to be measured. In order to have an effective measurement outline, there is a process that should be followed. These are the steps that are required in undertaking the sustainability measurement process. The steps to e followed areDevelop Sustainability Policy. Identify major aspects.Establish objectives. Select metrics and indicators.This is a step where the company makes a selection of sustainability indicators. At this point, it is the bit challenging since the selection of indicators is not always easy.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Interactive Behaviour at Work
Interactive Behaviour at Work Cheniere Energy was founded in 1983 and is a world leading liquefied natural gas (LNG) company. Through its subsidiaries the company engages in the development, construction, ownership, and operation of onshore LNG receiving terminals and natural gas pipelines in the Gulf Coast of the United States. It also engages in oil and natural gas exploration and development activities. Cheniere Energy is based in Houston, Texas with offices in Johnson Bayou, Louisiana, and London called Cheniere International UK Branch. The London office consists of six people who are responsible for sourcing and trading LNG cargoes for Cheniere as well as managing the day to day operations and activities of the office. Purpose of the report The purpose of this report is to examine work issues at Cheniere International UK Branch resulting from office harassment and specifically the conflict between an office assistant and the operations manager. It focuses on the interactive behaviour themes relating to communication, work relationships and leadership. Definition of Interactive Behaviour at work The term interactive behaviour at work refers to the reciprocal communication conduct of two or more persons. It covers both their overt behaviour and the factors and processes underlying it. It also extends to the use of communication for purposes such as self-presentation, co-operation, influencing others, working in groups and leadership. (Guirdham, 2002) Definition of the themes Communication According to Guirdham (2002) communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another. Interpersonal communication at work may be face-to-face or indirect, formal or informal, and transmitted verbally or non-verbally. Communication is affected by language, communicator style, the differences between one- and two-way communication, power and status, culture, gender and disability. These effects on communication give rise to barriers, which can be analyzed as intrinsic, individual level and inter-group. To be high in quality, communication must overcome these barriers. Work relationship Interdependence and social orientations, roles, norms and conformity as well as co-operative, competitive and conflict behaviour are all concepts that help us to understand and be more effective in work relationships. Other important aspects related to the issues discussed cover conflict resolution, cultural differences, coping with prejudice, discrimination and harassment. (Guirdham, 2002) Harassment is defined as: conduct which is unreasonable, unwelcome and offensive, and which creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating working environment. (Mullins, 2005) Harassment is a potential cause of stress. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines stress as: The adverse reaction people have to excess pressure. It is not disease. But if stress is intense and goes on for some time, it can lead to a mental and physical ill health. Leadership Leadership can be defined as the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute towards the effectiveness and success of the organisation of which they are members (Guirdham, 2002) There is a close relationship between leadership and management, especially in work organisation, and an increasing tendency to see them as synonymous. However, arguably there are differences between the two and it does not follow that every leader is a manager. Leadership might be viewed in more general terms, with emphasis on interpersonal behaviour in a broader context. According to Mullins (2005) due to its complex nature there are many alternative ways of analysing leadership. Leadership may be examined in terms of qualities or traits approach, in terms of the functional or group approach, as a behavioural category, in terms of styles of leadership, through the situational approach and contingency models, and in terms of distinction between transactional and transforma tional leadership. Problem identification The issue discussed in this report involves the deteriorating relationship between a manager and an assistant (myself) in a small office environment. In addition the report looks at the behaviour of a director of the company involved to whom the employees were directly responsible to. Matters discussed include the identification of key points of conflict between the two persons involved, the style of management, the reaction of fellow employees, the interaction with the director involved and steps taken to resolve the issue. Background and causes of problems I joined the Cheniere International UK Branch in 2008 as an office assistant. Working at their London office in Mayfair where there were three other employees at my level, two were English and one was an American. I was the only one having English as a second language. The operations manager was a mature English lady with a very strong personality and an accretive attitude. I noticed that I was being asked to do considerably more work than the other assistants and that the manager was querying my efforts every day. At first I thought this was because I was new to the job and that it was a way of measuring my capabilities and ability to cope with the stresses of the work. It became clear however that this was much more of a particular attitude toward me as compared to the other employees. Maybe write something about working in a multi-cultural environment or possibly highlight that there was predominance of white Anglo-Saxon employees and as such no exposure to different cultures or ethnic diversity. Inter-cultural problems arise when members of an in-group perceive members of an out-group as inferior. This can promote in-group favouritism, increased tendency to stereotype members of out-groups and negative attitudes to actual or perceived cultural differences. It can result in exclusion of members of out-groups, negative evaluations and harassment. In a small office environment it would be unusual for someone in a position of authority to feel threatened by a single junior employee. It is difficult to give any clear instances of harassment, as such, as this was a subtle but constant undermining of my position on a daily basis. This was apparent in her constant criticism of my work and references to my Polish background and English not being my native language. I made a point of asking the other assistants to check my work and they always said it was fine and that was just her way and not to worry. One occurrence that began to give me an insight to her behaviour was when she asked me, in front of all the other assistants, why I did not work as a nanny or cleaner as all other Polish girls did. This indicated to me that there was the possibility that her actions were not actually based upon my performance but upon a much deeper prejudice and possible stereotyping of Polish people (either collectively or by gender). In a strange way this was a relief as until then my confidence had been undermined and I felt under stress at work. It seemed nothing I ever did was right, I was often depressed, both at work and at home and it was difficult to understand why she picked on me and what was causing the problem. It also made it difficult for me to try to see how I could resolve the problem. Being aware of the personality clash between us I was trying to understand what caused her hostile behaviour and I blamed myself that it was I who caused the conflict, but on the other hand I knew I normally never have any major problems engaging with people, being an easygoing and friendly person. The Thoms-Kilmann Conflict Mode Questionnaire can be useful in explaining my stance in the conflict. Scoring 9 in avoiding and 9 in accommodating styles shows that I am not an assertive person, do not wish to hurt peoples feelings, obey orders and I am generally a selfless type of person. (See Appendix x for a copy of the Thoms-Kilmann Conflict Mode Questionnaire you took.) It was very difficult to please and satisfy her probably because she developed irrational beliefs and prejudiced views about me. If being from Poland meant to her that I should be a nanny or cleaner she maybe believed that people of other races or backgrounds are in some way inferior and therefore deserve to be treated as second class. According to Tehrani (1996) the lack of self awareness in harassers increases their fears and prejudice. Harassers never feel strong enough to test their views objectively, preferring to live in an irrational world, where they need to continually support their prejudiced views with biased evidence. To explain even deeper her behavior I would say she portrayed the actions of a stigmatizer. Freidson (1983) stated that in Erving Goffmans theory of social stigma a stigma is an attribute, behaviour, or reputation which is socially discrediting in a particular way: it causes an individual to be mentally classified by others in an undesirable, rejected stereotype rather than in an accepted, normal one. In this managers eyes I was different; she may not want to accept me because of my nationality, my different accent, my origin. Goffman divides the individuals relation to a stigma into three categories: the stigmatized are those who bear the stigma; the normals are those who do not bear the stigma; and the wise are those among the normals who are accepted by the stigmatized as wise to their condition. I then represent a stigmatized person, the manager is normal and rest of our team can be seen as wise. Strategic Implications of the problem My case can be seen as a micro problem because it describes a situation in a small office and only a few people are involved in the conflict. I am the only person who was harmed and it could be argued that it is difficult to show macro implications from this issue. However, I would like to stress that harassment at the workplace occurs very often and causes a lot of problems. According to the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) harassment in the workplace costs employers in the UK more than  £2bn per year in sick pay, staff turnover and lower productivity. 19 million working days are lost each year as a direct result of workplace harassment. 1 in 4 people report that they have experienced harassment in the last 5 years. 70% of HR professionals have witnessed or have been aware of harassment in their organisation. Organisations that fail to address the problem of unacceptable behaviour at workplace pay a heavy cost in terms of loss of staff, reduced innovation, mor ale and sickness absence. This is in addition to the cost of litigation and bad public relations (Tehrani, 1996). My issue did not affect the organisation in a significant way, except high staff retention within 1 year two office assistants left the company because of Janes difficult character. As mentioned before 25% of the population suffer from harassment. By describing my personal experience I raise an issue that affects a lot of people and something that organizations have to deal with. Harassment is related with work relationship one of the main themes which are described in this paper. According to Tehrani (1996) harassment has a number of common elements; it involves a hurtful behaviour, this behaviour is repeated over a period of time and the person being harassed finds it difficult to defend themselves. People being harassed will also have difficulty in being rational in their thinking, believing the acts or views of a harasser are the views of everyone else. When I was working for Cheniere I was felling sad, negative and worthless. In addition my feelings were heightened with outbursts of anger, crying, loneliness and hurt. Lack of pleasure in almost everything that I was doing was significant and difficult to cope with. Being humiliated resulted in the lack of self confidence to assert myself and challenge the unacceptable behaviour of operations manager. It needs to be added that harassment is linked with stress. Guirdham (2002) stated: Some of the major effects of stress include sleep trouble, tiredness, being unable to cope well in conflict situations, wanting to be left alone, smoking, drinking and eating too much, being unable to influence or persuade people and finding it difficult to get up in the mornings. I recall that I was often very tired, could not sleep, and did not want to see my friends or family. Some people were asking me why I let her be abusive and rude towards me. The answer is because she had power over me. As I mentioned I held the lowest position in the office and I was supposed to listen to everyone and doing whatever they needed at work. Among French and Ravens (1959) power sources there is one which can be implemented in this situation coercive power. (Podsakoff and Schriesheim, 1985) Threats and punishment are common tools of coercion. I was often given undesirable tasks by Jane. There is one in particular where she spilled tea on her desk and asked me to clean it. My example demonstrates that this source of power can often lead to problems and in many circumstances it involves abuse. Coercive power can cause unhealthy behaviour and dissatisfaction in the workplace. ( From my above evaluation it can be stated that the operations manager was definitely my significant other at that time. She had very strong influence on my self-esteem and my behaviour. Many organisations and their managers and executives are guilty of ignoring, tolerating or sustaining conflicts and harassment (Guirdham, 2002). This statement confirms the behaviour of my director who was trying to explain me that I should accept the fact that Jane is generally a difficult person and therefore should not take it personally what she says and how she behaves. Lack of leadership qualities can be seen in my bosss attitude. A large portion of the existing literature on leadership focuses only on the positive traits of leaders. However, the so-called dark side of leadership, or negative personal traits of leaders, has received relatively less attention. Also, in practice, leadership is mostly evaluated in terms of the positive traits and strengths of leaders, even though certain organizational factors and followers characteristics significantly contribute to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of leaders (Toor and Ogunlana, 2009). The director was not an effective leader . A leader who lacks character or integrity will not be seen as a competent one. Even though he was intelligent, affable, persuasive, or savvy, he was also prone to rationalizing unethical behaviour. Office harassment is a very unethical issue and should be resolved by a companys leader, but it was not in my case. Moreover leaders not attuned to the needs of the employees are not effective either. Successful leaders focus on workers satisfaction and loyalty. They should find ways to consistently engage them and incorporate them into companys policies and make sure they know and obey their code of conduct. If they ignore, mistreat, or otherwise do not value their employees, they will not be valued for competences. Furthermore good leaders should communicate effectively across mediums, constituencies, environments of course employees. My boss was aware that Janes behavior was harmful but did not react and did not want to be involved in the conflict. This observation can lead to a s tatement that the director represented a laissez faire leadership style. According to Flynn (2009) this type of a leader describes passive leaders who are reluctant to influence subordinates or give direction. They generally refrain from participating in group or individual decision making and to a large extent, abdicate their leadership role. Subordinates are given considerable freedom of action and, therefore, seem likely to maximize their power and influence. Although laissez- faire leadership can be very successful in some environments where followers are responsible for self-monitoring, problem solving in my case it was not what I needed. I was looking for a mediator in my conflict with Jane, someone who can direct and take steps to resolve the problem. From Blake Mouton Managerial Grid perspective, it could be argued that the director represented Impoverished Leadership which is known for creating a work environment that is not satisfying and not motivating. The result is a pl ace of disorganization, dissatisfaction and disharmony. (Rollinson, 2005) My boss had low concern for employee satisfaction because knowing I was depressed and was in a conflict he was not concerned about it. A major danger of stereotyping is that it can block out accurate perception of an individual and lead to potential situation of prejudice or discrimination. This in consequence can build communication barriers. Janes tendency to ascribe negative characteristics to me on the basis of a general categorisation was a simplified process of her perception. Her stereotyping process based on my nationality and education had a significant implication to the atmosphere in our office and my wellbeing. Her prejudice caused communication problem between us. According to Erven (2008) stereotyping is a barrier to communication when it causes people to act as if they already know the message that is coming from the sender or worse, as if no message is necessary because everybody already knows. People stereotype genders, races, religions, and cultures. They combine them to say things but often incorrectly creating assumptions. Stereotypes develop from reality. Poles steal British jobs became a stereotype because a lot of Poles are poor and had to learn how to survive and came here to look for a job but they do not deserve to be stereotyped. It might be true that most of Polish women work as nannies or cleaners but, it does not identify me, my needs, and my weaknesses. So if Jane used the stereotypical view of Polish women towards me, she missed who I actually am, as an individual. I wanted to communicate, talk to her and did not want to be lost in the stereotypical concept. People are complex and need to be understood as individuals, not stereotypes. Uniqueness is what gets lost in the stereotypes and lack of proper communication. People should listen, understand, consider the whole person, and that requires rejecting the preconceived assumptions, based on the stereotypes t hat are created and used. Communication is at the heart of many interpersonal problems faced by employers. Understanding the communication process and then working at improvement provide a recipe for becoming more effective communicators. Knowing the common barriers to communication is the first step to minimizing their impact. Stereotyping is a barrier to proper communication, it cannot just disrupt communication, it can destroy it. The significance of non-verbal communication and body language need to be evaluated in this report as in my case it was more important than verbal communication. According to Mullins (2005) non-verbal communication includes inferences drawn from posture, gesture, touch, invasion of personal space, extent of eye contact, tone of voice or facial expression. Very often the operations manger was using proper language and if was not obvious for others to see the conflict between us and her antipathy. Her tone of voice and facial expression were sending messages that I was not accepted and were unwelcomed. Mullins (2005) adds also that in our face-to face communication with other people the messages about our feelings and attitudes come only 7 per cent from the words we use, 38 per cent from our voice and 55 per cent from body language, including facial expression. Significantly, when body language such as gestures and tone of voice conflicts with the words, greater emphasis is likely to be placed on the non-verbal message. He also suggests that when verbal and non-verbal messages are in conflict (like in my case regarding communication with the operations manager) accepted wisdom is that the non-verbal signals should be the ones to rely on, and that what is not said is frequently louder than what is said, revealing attitudes and feelings in a way words cannot express. Alternative options for resolving problem Leave the job or stay. People have bad days at work. But if that bad day is every day, it might be time to consider leaving the job. Some causes of job dissatisfaction are impossible to alter, and in this case employees may well be better off making an exit. Leaving the job is usually a very difficult decision and can often cause mixed emotions: joy because of moving on to something better, sadness at losing people we enjoyed work with, relief we dont have to cope with the problem and conflicts anymore. Uncertainty about the future and new job has usually a big impact on peoples decisions. I was also concerned about my future. Staying with Cheniere was an alternative, but I was concerned how I can change the atmosphere and Janes behaviour. Talking to her or to my boss were the options to make my work conditions better. Alternatively I could stay with the company and try to accept the environment and ambiance, and try to reduce sensitivity to hostility or displays of prejudice. Mullins (2005) evaluated difficult people: Perhaps our reluctance to identify, and then directly address, conflict within organisations is based upon the widely held belief that conflict is inevitable, negative and unmanageable. There is a tendency to see conflict as a result one persons personality. Conflict may be inevitable, but how dramatically situations could be changed if we could also view it as positive and manageable. What if we think of these situations as raising questions of difference? What if we were to make a shift away from blaming individuals and their personalities, recognizing instead that it is through normal hum an interaction that outward expressions of difference are produced? Unfortunately coping with difficult people is not one of my strong points. Another option was to beat her at her own game. Act like her, be unsympathetic, telling colleagues how unfair she is. This option would be very difficult because she held higher position and therefore had power and because I respect people it wound be something against my values and beliefs. Choice of option I was trying to resolve the problem. I talked to the director but was ignored and was told that I should accept the situation as it is and accept Janes behaviour because she is difficult and she is not going to change her attitude. Another advice was that I should be less emotional and try to be mentally stronger. He did not wish to speak to Jane to ask to change her attitude and help her to cope with her hostile behaviour. Tehrani (1996) argue that the role of leader in developing the skills which enable people to communicate in an open and assertive manner is perhaps one of the most effective tools in addressing conflicts. The support of an assertive and caring manager is an important aspect of rehabilitating a harasser. Harassers need support when they are developing the new skills and behaviors in communication which will replace the harassing behaviours. I also talked to Jane but I was told that I read her intentions badly. She was trying to tell me that there was no issue betwe en us and I should not waste her time for such conversations. Rationale for choice Because I had an interesting job, was satisfied with my compensation I did not want to leave thus I was trying to find a resolution. I was not accepted by one of the co-workers but I did not want to be a victim of harassment. I was trying to be a survivor. According to Tehrani (1996) victims of harassment frequently express the view that there is little they can do to prevent the harassment taking place. They have no choice but to put up with what is being done to them. This perception of lack of personal control or power must be changed if the harassee is ever to make sense of what has happened to them. Survivors, on the other hand, are able to begin to make choices and decisions about what they want to do to stop or resolve the harassment. Survivors of harassment take an active part in deciding how they would like things to be handled when resolving their problems. They are keen to take responsibility for making things happen, rather than behaving passively, allowing others, howeve r well meaning, to take over control. One of the main skills survivors of harassment learn is to be assertive in expressing what they want and do not want to happen during the harassment investigation; to be able to say yes or no regardless of the wishes of others. Assertiveness is also one of the most important skills needed to prevent harassees becoming victims of harassment in the future. Finally the survivors of harassment are able to look forward to the future, a future without harassment, while the victims concentrate on the harassment itself, rather than on how they can change things to prevent the harassment occurring again. Although I was trying to help myself, was looking for help from the directors and also arranged a meeting with Jane, nothing changed. Implementation of Option I eventually decided to leave. It took me 2 weeks to find another job. The difference in the working environment was immense. New co-workers were pleasant and friendly. I am glad that I took control over the situation and left the company. I will never fully forget this experience but sometimes we should experience and accept the extremes, because if the contrast is lost, we lose appreciation. Time for Implementation I was working for this company for 5 months before handing in my resignation. Conclusion In recent years there has been an increasing recognition of the harm that could be done to individuals who become the victims of harassment or bullying. Although there have been significant moves to introduce legislation and guidelines that deal with the introduction of organizational policy and procedures on harassment and bullying, the occurrence of harassment is still common in many British organizations. My case in this paper can be perceived as a representation of this problem for many organizations. This is not an easy issue to deal with for mangers, people who cause harassment and most of all for people who suffer from hostile behavior. Background and causes of such conflicts are often implicit and not easy to resolve. Understanding the communication process and communication barriers is important to effectively control the problem. Leadership skills and appropriate use of power can be crucial.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Psychology Learning Essay
A desirable behavior that I would like strengthen a lot would be my studying and homework habits. I would like to study or do homework for a designated hour every night. When I come home from work, I want to grab my books and go straight to the library for at least an hour. I selected this behavior because I believe that I need to dedicate more time to my school work. I have always waited until the last minute to study and do homework; therefore, having a set time of day every day to do my work will help me keep track of everything going on. The learning principle I am going to implement to make myself study every day at the same hour is the Premack Principle. A daily routine I have with my suitemate is before we go to bed we watch a movie. So I used this as my reinforcement. I will not watch that movie until I have dedicated at least an hour to school work and studying. I trained myself to study first then as a reward I was able to watch the movie with my suitemate. I did this ritual every night for the past week. It is not yet set it stone but I still continue to do this ritual daily. I hope that soon it will be habit and I will not have to continue to reward myself with a movie. The first couple of days it was extremely hard to remember to study after work. Other times it was hard for me to have the energy to continue to study for the whole hour. After a while everything became easier. In my personal opinion I think that the Premack Principle worked well for me. It has helped me discipline myself in a very helpful way. Because I have decided to partake in this principle, I have seen a result of better grades and more relaxation as test time approaches. The Premack Principle is a wonderful approach to anyone seeking success while embarking on their college experience. This reinforcement principle is a great form of a â€Å"healthy†form of punishment, and it proves to be very rewarding in the end.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Planning for the Chevy Volt Essay
What does the Chevy Volt case tell you about the nature of strategic decision making at a large complex organization like GM? From the Chevy Volt case, we can see that GM is a large complex organization and has a lot of processes to make any decision in changing their strategic plan. Moreover, they sticked to the past failure that they had experienced. Therefore, they moved too slow and missed the opportunity to change or adapt themselves to the external trend or a better opportunity. What trends in the external environment favored the pursuit of the Chevy Volt project? -Gas price was increasing sharply because of growing demand in developed countries including China and India -Global Warming become a significant concern so people trend to use the car which produce less Carbon Dioxide. -The cost of Manufacturing lithium ion batteries was falling and new technology make them more powerful -Demand for fuel efficient car like Prius (Toyota) that utilize new battery technology What impediments to pursuing this project do you think existed within GM? -GM already spent a huge investment in developing fuel cells -Many decision makers in GM didn’t want to suddenly switch gears and focus on lithium ion batteries instead -Technology in a large lithium ion battery production was difficult -Failure in the past was the experience that GM still remembered and was afraid to invest in new project What does this tell you about the nature of strategic plans? Chevy Volt project which is partly based on the assumption of fuels prices is rather skeptical. Plan outlay in context of rising oil prices, and environment sustainability only does not in a sense constitute total business plan layout. External environment analysis such as the macro and micro-economic factors also should have been focused, so that an alternative plan layout to develop new innovation for its benchmark cars model that run on fuel and that which should meet the tighter regulation in the future. How do falling oil prices affect the Chevy Volt project? The Chevy Volt project strategic plan was based on factor that kept rising oil prices in contention to market its electric car model for profitability. Falling oil prices can affect Chevy Volt project in terms of profitability directly from the sale of electric cars. Do you think oil prices will remain low? The demand for oil increases, prices also is also likely to surge accordingly. Besides there are no substitute product 5. What will it take for the Chevy Volt to be a successful car ? in light of your analysis, how risky do you think this venture is for GM? What are the costs of failure? What are the costs of not pursuing the project? I think it wills success for the following factors Its new models have cutting-edge designs that sell well, and its quality rankings and fuel economy rise, If every new model has dramatically better gas mileage in government testing than its predecessor, Proper advertising is done like GM products are appearing in hit movies, music videos, TV shows and other media. Cost of not pursuing the†¦
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