Thursday, September 12, 2019

COMPETITIVE FORCES AND SWOT ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

COMPETITIVE FORCES AND SWOT ANALYSIS - Essay Example strengths of offering wonderful services to the clients as well as its opportunities where it can harness the use of the Internet to market its products. Specially designed websites are very important in marketing the organic foods since information disseminated using the internet can reach a wide area of geographical space instantly. 1. Whole Food Market is the world’s best retail store that specializes in retailing purely organic foods and has stores in America, Canada and the United Kingdom. Thus according to Whole Foods Market, Inc. (n.d), â€Å"the organisation owns and operates a chain of natural and organic foods supermarkets and its product categories include, but are not limited to, produce, seafood, grocery, meat and poultry, bakery, prepared foods and catering, specialty (beer, wine and cheese).† It can be noted that the trends in organic foods mainly depend on consumer spending. The demand of organic foods is a matter of personal choice and it wholly depends with the needs and interests of the individual. It can be noted that no one is compelled to buy organic foods since the other traditional foods are readily available in the conventional supermarkets. People with special health related issues comprise the bulk of consumers of organic foods and these are fewer compared to those without special health cases who can consume any kind of food of their choice regardless of it being organic. Most of the organic foods are regarded as specialty foods and in most cases, these are often regarded as luxury items that have comparatively higher prices than other conventional grocery items. The fact that organic foods have a premium price can deter the customers from purchasing the products where they can resort to the other traditional, less expensive items when they have limited disposable money to spend. It can be noted from this argument that the market for organic foods is not very stable which can negatively impact on Whole Foods Market. Another

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